NBA Top Shot - Contender For 2021 Fleece of The Year


Yall dudes better get with the times and get this money or be left in the dust :lol:
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I’ll have to double check the site but I have a couple friends that use it to sell digital art/glitch art/gifs for crypto and some of the prices they go for is ridiculous

Yall dudes better get with the times and get this money or be left in the dust.

Learn me I can do a couple of things with video editing software and game tape.

What’s up with these coins?
Who did you get? If you have any questions or need tips, let me know. Only been doing this for a couple weeks but am really into it.

I pulled the PJ Washington “Cool Cat.” My two brothers pulled Randle and Cousins. Friend got Wall, other friend is still in line. I’m definitely trying to complete the set if the pricing isn’t crazy.
Seen people already selling that randle for $159+..

this **** wild prob have no chance to get a pack now
I remember ten years ago when I laughed at people buying BitCoin for $300. Each is worth almost $50K now. Not making that mistake again. Opportunities like this don’t come around every day, to invest in something revolutionary early when it’s still relatively cheap. But it’s cool, I get it, new things are scary and bad.
My take is that this is just a money laundering scheme. It's like the art auction world.
Sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about. The barrier to entry is $9 for a pack.

Most moments are worth $2-4 each. Each pack has 3 “moments,” so at worst you’re losing about $3 if you pull the absolute worst cards. But you can pull something decent fairly regularly. Right now it’s getting tougher to get a pack, so even the worst cards are rising in price. When demand exceeds supply, which has been happening all this month, prices rise. For 90%+ of the cards, there’s a ton of room for growth. Maybe even 100%. That Zion could go for a million in the near future.

There’s more expensive packs that contain more rare cards, sure. Of course it’s easier to make money if you’re already rich. This is true of everything, not unique to this.

3 friends bought $14 packs yesterday. This was their first time. Each one got a card selling for over $100, one pulled a good number so it’s going for about $250. From a $9 pack. So no, the barrier to enter isn’t too high. This is BitCoin when it jumped to $300 and many people (including myself) wondered if it was too high. That’s where we potentially are right now.

Oh, so it's money laundering AND gambling. Cool. Totally fine business model.
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