NETFLIX-Narcos '17- Season 3 trailer up

The start of season 2 was playing at my barbershop today. Looked interesting. I'm debating starting this weekend if plans fall through.
Yall def gotta watch patron de Mal on Netflix. Shows u a more fleshed out Escobar and his beginnings

Highly recommended! I just finished it today. 74 episodes but yall will like it. It made me feel bad for dude a little bit at the end

It shows him a bit softer vs on narcos
Gaviria said f word your surrender. I will not negotiate w/you.

Well, RIP Cesar' Gaviria
Did season1 have the "dramatization" disclaimer prior to each episode as well? Cannot recall.
That prostitute had to know some of her girls would die when she snitched.

Pablo always smoking on roaches. Try giving my ma a full sized joint for once
Only 2 episodes in, but no love for Maritza?

Baddest chick is the beauty peagant shorty from the opening

Tata a dime piece tho....she was a sleeper the first season...
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