Never Really Believed It Would Happen At My Bank... (Robbery)

yeah all our security guidelines say to lock the door blahzay blah, but like i dont know if its how i grew up or whatever but my first reaction was to makesure dude wasnt getting away as like a human to human reaction you know ... like i see dude running away after he pieced someone and im thinkin in my headlike, this suck+%+# punk muthersucker ... but i did come to my senses and just wait till pg's finest went into action
this suck+%+# punk muthersucker ... but i did come to my senses and just wait till pg's finest went into action
who dis this guy think he is? U ran after an armed robber? I work at a bank and if somebody trys to rob us and they have a gun they cab have the money. I stillget paid regardless.
who dis this guy think he is? U ran after an armed robber? I work at a bank and if somebody trys to rob us and they have a gun they cab have the money. I still get paid regardless.
no i didint run, my first instinct was to run but i chose otherwise ...
say goodbye to any upcoming bonuses...shoulda gone kimbo on em
this is a sad reality ... that grand, although insured, will be takin from our brnches surplus money because thats where they pick from first ...smh im about to quit
I think you did the right thing bro.
You looked out for another person and what if he had a weapon? You could've gotten seriously injured.

Good job.

And for your manager he can get this
yeah i think he got the point when i straight up stared at him for the past 3 walkthroughs hes done ... like i said, he didnt say anything specifically, justgave me the like "man up" look
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