They get the lines on the midsole, the scuffs come off and no creasing on the upper.
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Ok thanks for all the feedback. Might pull the trigger sooner rather than later..
I bought these basically for comfort and casual wear and I haven't had any problems wearing them with any type of clothing. You just need to get the right CW
Please .. Just stop.

As a country, majority of us have moved on and co-exist with out any problems. We don't need a history lesson and that has nothing to do with this shoe.
Wow, AC, way to "bring it back to the shoes". Stir it up, state your opinion, and then call it over?

Aesthetic for casual, no problems. Mesh shows no signs after 5 nights of playing.

Traction just gets better and better on these.

And for the one asking about Spawns - yes, very worth it, especially for FNL prices.
I almost said something to that bold generalization but just gonna keep it quiet. How about we silence the race stuff and get back to the shoes.
What? You don't think they didn't exploit other races ever since

Tell me which ethnic group on the planet that hasn't been exploited and used by the white race yet? I'm sure we all took history in school. It's a fact not a generalization.

Now back to the shoes.

My use of the word generalization means that you broadly associated the actions of a percentage with an entire "race." By stating "the white race" you are being inclusive of every person who has ever been a part of that "race", ethnicity, or whatever you want to call it... the funny thing is we are all simply part of the human race no more no less. But characterizing the actions of an individual or group (no matter large or small) and applying it to all with a similar characteristic whether heritage, religion, skin color, or caste is quite frankly and for a lack of better term, pure ignorance. Any further comments on this will warrant zero response from myself because it's simply not worth my time.

In regards to the spawns I've been interested for quite a while just really hoping a colorway drops that I really like. The Brandon Jennings PE lows looked nice but don't know if they will ever see a release... Hopefully something similar though... Gonna wait and see.

Any more race talk will be reported on sight. If you want to talk that you can take it to the general forum. This is NOT the place.

We're here to discuss one of the best shoes available on the market right now. :smokin
I apologize for asking the question about the BHM shoes. I didn't mean to stir anything
They are loaded up. After seeing the bhm purple I might even pick up the purple ones. I wonder if it's the same shade of purple in person.
I really like the variety of designs in these, seems Nike is getting really creative, I'm just waiting for a loud cw then I'm pulling the trigger for sure, hearing too many good things ...hoping for a majority crimson cw
Lol the spawns... The under armour sneakers are ridiculous... I can't take people seriously in the gym who wears them..
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