New movie: Moonlight

Movie was okay. After watching it I don't see it winning best film. La La Land is gonna walk out with almost every award.
Didn't feel like fulfilling ending but, everything else was excellent. The acting, the set, the cinematography, the story, all executed flawlessly.
I'm honestly shocked it won. The movie itself was good, but very boring if that makes sense. I felt the same way about Manchester By The Sea. Both good movies too. Also, I wouldn't rewatch this movie. Maybe that's why I saw LLL winning.
I'm honestly shocked it won. The movie itself was good, but very boring if that makes sense. I felt the same way about Manchester By The Sea. Both good movies too. Also, I wouldn't rewatch this movie. Maybe that's why I saw LLL winning.

Agreed on Manchester. Haven't seen Moonlight yet but will likely later this week. Seems like some Oscar caliber movies do have great acting but not really movies I'd be in a rush to watch a 2nd time.
Agreed on Manchester. Haven't seen Moonlight yet but will likely later this week. Seems like some Oscar caliber movies do have great acting but not really movies I'd be in a rush to watch a 2nd time.

From all the possible choices to win it, LLL was the only movie I'd watch again. Again, I'm not taking anything away from Moonlight. It was the most powerful film of the year.

Why is it that movies that come out in the Fall/Winter are the best of the year?
Didn't feel like fulfilling ending but, everything else was excellent. The acting, the set, the cinematography, the story, all executed flawlessly.

I actually thought the ending was great. Thought it would have taken the typical Hollywood route at trying to score cheap "shock value" points. Kevin understood the sadness, weight, and coldness of Chiron's life that's been void of affection. At the end we see what's behind the "fronts" and it's that Chiron is still a kid that needed love and warmth.
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Excellent film.
Despite its lack of a "hollywood ending".
This movie grips you and still leaves you thinking about it walking out of the theatre.
The acting, pacing, theme, presentation sheer perfection.
Just watched it yesterday from redbox. The movie was good, but not best picture Oscar good. I think they gave it to them because of all of the backlash last year from #OscarSoWhite

Honestly Lala Land should have won, from a Cinematography standpoint, it was awesome.
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Excellent film.
Despite its lack of a "hollywood ending".
This movie grips you and still leaves you thinking about it walking out of the theatre.
The acting, pacing, theme, presentation sheer perfection.

If I'm nitpicking I think the pacing could have been a bit better in the last third of the film. It reached sort of a make or break point for me where it felt like there was a lot of build up which could have hurt the film if there were a weak ending. But it delivered. I had to watch the last 10 minutes over and it's dope how well the actor portrays the fractured, confused, vulnerability. Down to the stuttering and when he's mouthing but struggles to find the words.
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Just saw this Friday. I didnt know about the gay aspect. If I would have know before I would have most def said this winning Best Picture.
Really good film. But I felt it won the oscar just because of the recent backlash in the racial department. Plus how did Ali win an oscar when he was on screen for like 10 minutes.

The acting and cinematography where amazing but I'm trying to figure out its message. I hope it's deeper than just the plight of being gay and the cycle ****** parents and poor neighborhoods does to the path of a young black kid. Maybe becuase I've heard all those stories before.
Really good film. But I felt it won the oscar just because of the recent backlash in the racial department. Plus how did Ali win an oscar when he was on screen for like 10 minutes.

The acting and cinematography where amazing but I'm trying to figure out its message. I hope it's deeper than just the plight of being gay and the cycle ****** parents and poor neighborhoods does to the path of a young black kid. Maybe becuase I've heard all those stories before.

There's precedence for Oscars going to roles with such short amounts of screen time. Judi Dench won Supporting Actress for Shakespeare in Love with only 8 minutes of screen time. Anthony Hopkins is on screen for only 15 minutes of Silence of the Lambs, and he won Best Actor in a leading role.
Movie was cool.

Ali was awesome. Cringeworthy scene for me was when all the kids were whipping it out :x

Monae looked amazing.
We all are born with a certain package. We are who we are: where we were born, who we were born as, how we were raised. We're kind of stuck inside that person, and the purpose of civilization and growth is to be able to reach out and empathize a little bit with other people. And for me, the movies are like a machine that generates empathy. It lets you understand a little bit more about different hopes, aspirations, dreams and fears. It helps us to identify with the people who are sharing this journey with us.

-Roger Ebert
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