News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Only reason Earth doesn't "exist" in the SW universe is cuz it happened a long long long time ago.

Time travel. BOOM. Problem solved. Hell they could just do different dimensions/parallel universes like Patton suggested :lol:

Given circumstances, I wouldn't say never or ever. Just setting yourself up for food eating competition amount of crow.
Like me and buddha said the events in star wars happened in a distant past. If the universes merged we are talking about a present day incarnation of that universe with different characters than those in the star wars movies.

Or the star wars guys can simply discover that earth does indeed exist. Or the X-Men can **** up the timestream yet another time (its how they got Angela to exist in Marvel universe). There is litterally a million ways it could happen and I have a gut feeling that this is the merging of worlds they were talking about. After all Avengers 2 and Episode VII come out within months of each other.
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lol cp its gonna happen...

you gonna see miss piggy on hoth with leggings and a pair of uggs :lol:
i thought the first one was done pretty well...

especially for what it was intended to do - show how the alien breed came to existence.
I liked it when I went to the theater. People did say the bluray's deleted scenes helped them like the movie better. People already had an established hate of damon lindelof from Lost and his habit of leaving unanswered questions in a story. Reading that thread was interesting. I'm a sci-fi guy i'm happy whenever a pretty good movie gets released which seems rare in that genre nowadays.
i think they did a poor job of portraying Cap in the movies. hes just soooooo "whack" in the movies but he seems like he is THAT DUDE in the comics
i think they did a poor job of portraying Cap in the movies. hes just soooooo "whack" in the movies but he seems like he is THAT DUDE in the comics


i thought captain america's stand alone movie was great.

love how they explained everything from the beginning.

also i love how the incorporated so much of the WW2 feel into the movie.

that's what capt was all about in that era of time - fighting nazis.

might be in the minority i guess.
^ would love to see a part two.

first one left me wanting more.
I still don't know if I like the movie or not but I want to see part 2

People hated the writer of the first one. Hopefully the sequel's theatrical release won't have scenes missing that will help us understand the story more.
What didnt you understand :stoneface: Seemed pretty straightforward to me

i think they did a poor job of portraying Cap in the movies. hes just soooooo "whack" in the movies but he seems like he is THAT DUDE in the comics

I think the opposite. He is a lame character all around in the comics. Characters like him that make it so I can't read Avengers books.

In the movies he is supposed to be lame but continously improving. He got much less lame througout Captain America and the avengers
Why the stoneface? That was a big complaint of the movie.

The part I was confused about was the opening scene. I was in the theater wondering what just happened.
Why the stoneface? That was a big complaint of the movie.

The part I was confused about was the opening scene. I was in the theater wondering what just happened.

that was one of my favorite parts :lol:.

i was hoping to see more of the human/god like species.
People hated the writer of the first one. Hopefully the sequel's theatrical release won't have scenes missing that will help us understand the story more.

I think it was a too many cooks in the kitchen situation.. The original writer (Jon spaihts), wrote a good script that explained a lot of what was going on...

Then they took it to Damon lindelof, who isn't so great at explaining things (see lost)

Comicbookgirl19 talked about it when discussing the film, I think it's in this video:
:lol: all this Star Wars merging with Marvel talk had me thinking about that Patton Oswalt filibuster

Here's the animated version
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Agreed... I like Chris Evans as CAP. But Cap is such an iconic character, if they would have gotten a big name actor it would be a big deal. The major problem I have with him in Avengers is that he's Stark's side kick. I know people may not agree with that but they need to show him as the absolute leader of the squad.
Agreed... I like Chris Evans as CAP. But Cap is such an iconic character, if they would have gotten a big name actor it would be a big deal. The major problem I have with him in Avengers is that he's Stark's side kick. I know people may not agree with that but they need to show him as the absolute leader of the squad.

Why do you feel that he's being portrayed as stark's sidekick? Avengers was more so through his eyes and he is easily the de facto leader of the team if you've never once heard of the avengers or bothered to pick up an avengers comic. Wheadon made sure that you had a feel for cap as the leader of this team by his mannerisms. Him ensuing battle with Loki first. Him proclaiming in the beginning that he only knows of one god who doesn't dress like thor, him breaking the fight up between Thor and iron man even him reassuring banner that he doesnt care about him turning into a monster when they first meet on the helicarrier and of course him giving the orders in the city in the final battle. Whedon even goes as far as to set up that interesting dynamic between Rogers and stark with all their witty shots at each other one being "just a guy in a suit of armor" and the other being "made in a lab" (civil war, please marvel!) I love the role that cap plays in avengers. He's surrounded by gods, super spies, crazy geniuses, narcissistic geniuses and he's just a regular guy calling the shots, with a corny outfit and shield.

The soldier out of time :smokin
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Why the stoneface? That was a big complaint of the movie.

The part I was confused about was the opening scene. I was in the theater wondering what just happened.

I took that scene as their way of saying how life was first formed on Earth. After the dude offs himself you see him disintegrate in the water and you see his cells begin to divide.
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