News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Also even though that clip of antman been leaked, I'm also excited for it, specially since is my man Rudd playing him....

MARVEL >>>>>>>>>

I'm sorry DC but ya have a lot of ground to cover to even get caught up and FOX should just give up, SONY should just team up with Marvel already and allow Spidey to be part of this universe :wow:
LOVE the look of the twins!!!!

FOX looking silly right now with that abomination of Quicksilver...I don't eem wanna watch DOFP anymore...

And Tony vs Banner :pimp:

My body is beyond ready bruhs

everyone in the head office like

I don't get it. I mean they're all spending millions. They all have the smartest comic book-y guys money can buy.

Why does Marvel keep getting it and Fox doesn't?

That looks awesome. Perfect even.
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Man I can't wait to see how they utilize quick. Nothing great has truly been done with speedy characters besides the slow mo time lapse effect

also can someone explain the difference between green screen and blue screen?
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Harry as goblin will be awesome in ASM2 book it. And remember we still have to see Normans goblin.

Finally an Incredibles sequel but the toy story trilogy>>>>>>

The concept art for antman :wow:

The concept art for A2 :wow:

My prediction for A2: I'm thinking Ultron will be created by shield or some higher ups as an alternative to the avengers because of their reluctant attitude to join forces. They're all heroes in their own right but see it as comber some to fight together. Ultron will be highly intelligent and a condescending ******* and will be gathering info on each avenger, their strengths and weaknesses à la batman in justice league doom. He realizes he's the most powerful being on the planet and sees to conquer it. In come the magneto twins who have real super powers and Ultron has no data on. The avengers need them to join forces with them to stop Ultron and just like that Wanda and Pietro make my comic book dreams come true

LOVE the look of the twins!!!!

FOX looking silly right now with that abomination of Quicksilver...I don't eem wanna watch DOFP anymore...

And Tony vs Banner :pimp:

My body is beyond ready bruhs

everyone in the head office like

I think what I said earlier might happen
Hulk causes to much damage in A2
They decide to send hulk into space
Followed by PLANET HULK
Is it me or does the antman stuff seem kinda retro. As in the kind of filter they always use in movies that take place in the past? Leather costume too.....
Damn I wish that Marvel special was 3 hours long.

And I guess Hulkbuster will be in A2. Sweet!

If he does get sent to space for a Planet Hulk movie in the future, I hope it isn't due to him causing destruction but maybe as a sacrifice to beat Ultron or something. Then it would lead to GotG and Hulk collab for Phase 3 and then for A3 against Thanos he can comeback with the Guradians without any hard feelings with the other heroes and they can just go full blast against Thanos.

I'm kind of iffy on Scarlet Witch costume, it's good and simple but I hope it is less casual than that. Hopefully he wears something different later on in the film.

Quicksilver costumes cool but anyone else think he looks like he part of a crew in the Enterprise?
Harry as goblin will be awesome in ASM2 book it. And remember we still have to see Normans goblin.

Finally an Incredibles sequel but the toy story trilogy>>>>>>

The concept art for antman

The concept art for A2

My prediction for A2: I'm thinking Ultron will be created by shield or some higher ups as an alternative to the avengers because of their reluctant attitude to join forces. They're all heroes in their own right but see it as comber some to fight together. Ultron will be highly intelligent and a condescending ******* and will be gathering info on each avenger, their strengths and weaknesses à la batman in justice league doom. He realizes he's the most powerful being on the planet and sees to conquer it. In come the magneto twins who have real super powers and Ultron has no data on. The avengers need them to join forces with them to stop Ultron and just like that Wanda and Pietro make my comic book dreams come true


Damn I wish that Marvel special was 3 hours long.

And I guess Hulkbuster will be in A2. Sweet!

If he does get sent to space for a Planet Hulk movie in the future, I hope it isn't due to him causing destruction but maybe as a sacrifice to beat Ultron or something. Then it would lead to GotG and Hulk collab for Phase 3 and then for A3 against Thanos he can comeback with the Guradians without any hard feelings with the other heroes and they can just go full blast against Thanos.

I'm kind of iffy on Scarlet Witch costume, it's good and simple but I hope it is less casual than that. Hopefully he wears something different later on in the film.

Quicksilver costumes cool but anyone else think he looks like he part of a crew in the Enterprise?

The scarlet witch costume. Take away the leather jacket and gloves and it is something you could see an actual witch wearing. I think it is too genius. They will have a hard time topping that. Also they are teenages. They wont have official SHIELD spandex. And I doubt they will have joined the team until later in the movie

/my .02
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I wouldnt say a white dress is something a typical witch would wear, the plaid shirt around the waist looks too grungy too and kind of the current trend but it is likely before she was discovered. I just wanted to see a fighting gear like Quicksilver has on than what theyd wear casually as a bystander.
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The concept art looks dope, but I agree with RFX on Scarlett Witch. It looks too much like she just joined the Avengers in street clothes, while Quick actually went through the trouble of getting a legit superhero outfit.
As for the planet hulk stuff I am more excited to see the Infinity Gauntlet story fold out. I don't want a Planet Hulk movie anymore.
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