News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

2016 - Dr. Strange
July 2017 - Thor 3 (I assume they want the guaranteed moneumaker asap)
Nov 2017 - Guardians 2 (Saldana is busy next year with 3 back to back Avatars so late 2017 is the earliest they could get this out)
July 2018 - BW - IDK wild guess. They likely want to beat WW to the big screen.
Nov 2018 - Incredible Hulk 2 - WIld guess
May 3, 2019 - Avenger's: Infinity Gauntlet (cuz they aint announcing past phase 3)

I don't see them making a BW movie. It's most definitely gonna be Cap 3.
So from now it's...

Aug 1: GotG

May 1: The Avengers: Age of Ultron
July 17: Ant-Man

May 6: Captain America 3
July 8: Doctor Strange

May 5: Untitled
July 27: Untitled
Nov. 3: Untitled

July 6: Untitled
Nov. 2: Untitled

May 3: Untitled

I'm just going to throw things running around in my mind right now.

I personally still find it weird that Cap 3 and Doc Strange is only 2 months apart and that there isn't an August or November release in 2016. Then again they are doing it in 2017 so I guess that's their new route. I want to put Avengers 3 at Jul 27 or Nov 3 of 2017, likely July date with May 5th being Thor 3. Then Nov 2017 kicks off Phase 4?

Then again I have a feeling Marvel might have decided to make the Defenders movie for the big screen instead with a smaller budget so they slotted it as a third film for 2017 and then they can add those guys for A3? Defenders film can be any of those 3 slots but it's kind of difficult to see Avengers being a November film. I think Jul 6, 2018 is pushing it with extra heroes added (Antman, Doc Strange, GotG plus a possible third hero for that movie slot if A3 is in 2018) unless they kill off Cap in Cap3. BP is likely the next candidate for a new hero film for Phase 4.

Another possibility is that they are making A3 a two part film to deal the huge Infinity Gauntlets story hence A3: Part I & II would be Jul & Nov of 2017 or make it a year apart with Nov3 2017 & Jul6 2018 therefore the conclusion of the Avengers still in the front of the summer blockbuster time for 2018. Then Phase 4 starts in Nov 2, 2018.

You're move DC!
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May 5th is Thor 3. I just find it weird to announce anything beyond phase 3 right now. But I definitely dont think Phase 3 is 8 movies and Avengers 3.

I'll just have to wait and see

Also I saw that July 8th date on Wikipedia. Did not believe it.
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I haven't seen any Thor 3 date confirmation.

Doc Strange has been confirmed for July 8, 2016 or at least most insiders believe it will be.

Marvel Doctor Strange movie is definitely a go! The highly anticipated stand alone for Doctor Stephen Strange has already gotten a director and a writer to helm the film that is reportedly going to start filming this fall and will be released on July 8, 2016.
The GotG is too connected to Thanos for them not to be in the Avengers film once it actually faces him. I always thought that was one of the reason GotG was being pushed, not just to introduce a whole new set of new heroes to the public but to also connect it to the current Marvel Cinema-verse. I mean it would make sense not seeing the GotG again if the film is kind of like a Thanos origins films but it's looking like his screen-time in GotG is only a few seconds longer than it is in Avengers. Bigger presence but you won't really see him much from what I understand.
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So from now it's...
I'm just going to throw things running around in my mind right now.

I personally still find it weird that Cap 3 and Doc Strange is only 2 months apart and that there isn't an August or November release in 2016. Then again they are doing it in 2017 so I guess that's their new route. I want to put Avengers 3 at Jul 27 or Nov 3 of 2017, likely July date with May 5th being Thor 3. Then Nov 2017 kicks off Phase 4?

Then again I have a feeling Marvel might have decided to make the Defenders movie for the big screen instead with a smaller budget so they slotted it as a third film for 2017 and then they can add those guys for A3? Defenders film can be any of those 3 slots but it's kind of difficult to see Avengers being a November film. I think Jul 6, 2018 is pushing it with extra heroes added (Antman, Doc Strange, GotG plus a possible third hero for that movie slot if A3 is in 2018) unless they kill off Cap in Cap3. BP is likely the next candidate for a new hero film for Phase 4.

Another possibility is that they are making A3 a two part film to deal the huge Infinity Gauntlets story hence A3: Part I & II would be Jul & Nov of 2017 or make it a year apart with Nov3 2017 & Jul6 2018 therefore the conclusion of the Avengers still in the front of the summer blockbuster time for 2018. Then Phase 4 starts in Nov 2, 2018.

You're move DC!

I would say the last slot would def be Avengers 3. No way we wait 3 years between A1 and A2 then 2 years between A2 and A3. I have a feeling Downey might gear up for another iron man film, especially since that all hail the king one shot. Thor 3 is def in there, we know cap 3 and Feige's love affair with Dr. Strange and antman as well. I don't think Marvel is done with the cosmic world after guardians so I can see a Nova film or maybe a guardians 2 but that's pretty bold on marvels behalf to have a date for a sequel before seeing how successful guardians will be. Black panther is long over due and a well known member of the avengers.....Hulk has become the must see member of Avengers so another solo film from him is overdue....and I'm highly interested in where MCU goes after Avengers 2. The EW article has all confirmed what we all knew that Tony is gonna be responsible for Ultron and the AI uprising. I can't see how the avengers defeat Ultron this time around and look at Tony the same. I can see Tony taking his responsibility behind what happened pretty hard and Steve losing all the faith he's had in technology and and secret organizations. Superhero registration act? We did see a picture of what looks like a training academy for young superheroes, speedball and others die in the AI uprising....see where I'm going with this or nah? Maybe the civil war becomes the perfect platform for Thanos to come to earth and claim the rest of the infinity gems, maybe not? Eh

Regardless, your move DC
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I am still not confident they will make a BP movie after the controversy of having a black lead in Star Wars. Yes that matters. I hope I'm wrong tho.

I agree on that last slot being A3. If they announce past A3 its because they are announcing IM4
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Not as much as people were mad about Johnny Storm being black. There was a lot of controversy behind the set of Star Wars as well. Abrams was pushing for a diverse cast and the rest were not.
I meant may 5th is Thor 3 imo since they are already working on it.

Well Thor 3 will come before Avengers 3 and the only two slots left are May 5th or Jul 27 but that is assuming A3 comes out Nov though I am still not sure Marvel/Disney will release the Avengers films at the end of the year outside of the summer blockbuster.

It's a good assumption but I don't want to put it in the confirmed list until Marvel announces it.
Ummm I posted links a few posts up...

I haven't seen any Thor 3 date confirmation.

Doc Strange has been confirmed for July 8, 2016 or at least most insiders believe it will be.

Marvel Doctor Strange movie is definitely a go! The highly anticipated stand alone for Doctor Stephen Strange has already gotten a director and a writer to helm the film that is reportedly going to start filming this fall and will be released on July 8, 2016.

...and Variety has it listed in their own calendar.
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My bad I didnt see that.
word and they releasing Star Wars too :x good gawd they're going to make bank

Two Marvel films, a Star Wars film, and a Pixar film every year. Those 4 films would be 2.25 billion dollars minimum. Disney should be the studio making the most money more often than not for a while.
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Pixar has sucked lately though, Cars 2 and Brave are both terrible, then there's the Disney Planes Pixar rip-off.

It felt like Pixar was batting 1.000 there up til Toy Story 3 but then it just started to suck from there, Monsters U was also underwhelming.

Incredibles 2 needs to get here ASAP!!!!
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rfx45 rfx45 Why do you think there will be a Defenders movie? Just a wild guess cuz of the netflix shows?

Yah just the guess because the Netflix shows are suppose to conclude or merge into the Defenders anyways. The original plans are a Defenders multi-part film/series for the Netflix as well but if I were Disney/Marvel, i'd release it as a big screen film especially if the budget is going to be similar to the tv shows. So I can see them going that route to cash in on that series of shows especially if it's a third film for that year and it looks like that is the only year with 3 films and the next year it is back to two. More dates could be announced to make it a 3 Marvel films every year now though so some of these are just speculations on my end.
They both did more than 500M. Cars aint a movie. Its a giant commercial for toys.

My nephew. Only presents he cares for are Cars toys. His mom told me and my sister we can't be buying him any more :rofl:
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