Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

I am doing that. Which is why I haven't preordered a next-gen console.
[COLOR=#red]I agree that neither platform has anything that is Titanfall-like but I'm still getting it.

If you want it, can afford it, get it. Just how I see it.

And BF4 will be my game of launch. Followed by Watch Dogs and Titanfall when it drops.[/COLOR]

Destiny > Titanfall

From what I've seen so far IMO

[COLOR=#red]I feel it and Destiny does look amazing too, I just blanked on it for a second. Another great looking one that I will get. I am curious how Halo-like it will be as well. But it looks f'n great.

excited for both.[/COLOR]

slander or truth?

he got kinda kooky towards the end, but the thing is fine the nsa could very well use the kinect to spy on you. But I find it kinda hypocritical that people will still carry around smartphones in their pockets, use google and facebook, yet complain about the kinect. Unless you go live in the mountains off the grid, the government can spy on you pretty easily.

This is more of a case of the big bad government, than big bad microsoft.
I have yet to see a valid reason as to why we should buy next-gen multiplatform games over their current-gen counterparts.
The reason i won't go microsoft is because i feel like they're rushing this system... They also rushed the 360 which is why >50% of their consoles had RROD.  They havent even shown specs of the system yet because i feel like they're still trying to 1-up sony.  Also in terms of their policies, they just seem so unsure about this console, how can I trust in their console, if they dont.

They abandoned the original xbox, within a few years of the 360, how long til they stop support for the 360? You can already see lack of attention the 360 is getting and xbox one isnt even out yet.  I feel like they say they'll still support the 360 for "years to come", but they'll suffocate it, forcing you to upgrade to the next gen..
Xbox One

Mine Craft
Dead Rising 3
Kinnect Sports Rivals
Killer Instinct


Killzone: ShadowFall
Drive Club
The Witness


Assassins Creed 4
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty Ghost
NBA Live
Fifa 14
Need for Speed: Rivals
Madden 25

Those launch line-ups look pretty equal to me. Unless you love yourself some Kinect Sports Rivals.
Different strokes for different folks.

All personal preference but that list for both consoles looks equally poop.

I'm more interested in the multiplat games at launch :pimp: down the line I feel the ps4 will have the better exclusive.. But someone else can say the same about the xbone so again personal preference
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Different strokes for different folks.

All personal preference but that list for both consoles looks equally poop.

I'm more interested in the multiplat games at launch :pimp: down the line I feel the ps4 will have the better exclusive.. But someone else can say the same about the xbone so again personal preference


That Knack game seems stupid to me.
I thought the same, but after seeing a few more videos, I'm willing to give it a shot. Love a good platformer.

Im hoping to see more from Ryse. Im hoping that QTE isnt as prevalent as it was in the demo.
Xbox One

Mine Craft
Dead Rising 3
Kinnect Sports Rivals
Killer Instinct


Killzone: ShadowFall
Drive Club
The Witness


Assassins Creed 4
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty Ghost
NBA Live
Fifa 14
Need for Speed: Rivals
Madden 25

Those launch line-ups look pretty equal to me. Unless you love yourself some Kinect Sports Rivals.

Witness isnt coming till 2014.

and it does come down to personal pref. but IMO, knack looks like crap and killzone, ok but id rather play battlefield. And people sleep on kinect sports, the first game was pretty good
Xbox One

Mine Craft
Dead Rising 3
Kinnect Sports Rivals
Killer Instinct


Killzone: ShadowFall
Drive Club
The Witness


Assassins Creed 4
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty Ghost
NBA Live
Fifa 14
Need for Speed: Rivals
Madden 25

Those launch line-ups look pretty equal to me. Unless you love yourself some Kinect Sports Rivals.

Microsoft did just dump 1billion on first party developers so down the line I see them at least catching up to Sony
Microsoft did just dump 1billion on first party developers so down the line I see them at least catching up to Sony

1 Billion is for first party and securing third party exclusives. That will include things like paying for Titan Fall's timed exclusivity amongst other things.
That's not to say they are not strengthening their first party lineup though. They even opened up a studio in Japan so we'll see how the money is spent.
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1 Billion is for first party and securing third party exclusives. That will include things like paying for Titan Fall's timed exclusivity amongst other things.
That's not to say they are not strengthening their first party lineup though. They even opened up a studio in Japan so we'll see how the money is spent.

How much of that 1 billion is the next Halo? 10-20%?
What's annoying me about this new gen is that exclusives don't really hold their same meaning.

From my understanding(very little), exclusives are exclusives for a "reason."

Now exclusives are exclusives because company A or B paid a game company to develop it only for their console.

Then have them say BS, like with company A's or B's console, we're able to do blabbity blah, which is only possible because of company A's or B's (insert selling point of said company's console).

I understand that it's a business, but it annoying that they just blatantly lie.
1 Billion is for first party and securing third party exclusives. That will include things like paying for Titan Fall's timed exclusivity amongst other things.
That's not to say they are not strengthening their first party lineup though. They even opened up a studio in Japan so we'll see how the money is spent.

How much of that 1 billion is the next Halo? 10-20%?

the way I understood it, theyre investing in new studios and securing/financing 3rd party titles. So Im guessing things like gears and halo wouldnt come under that investment. Things like Black tusks new game and sunset overdrive would be where that billion is going.
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whats with people always arguing in the xbox one thread? is it like this in the ps4 thread as well?
the way I understood it, theyre investing in new studios and securing/financing 3rd party titles. So Im guessing things like gears and halo wouldnt come under that investment. Things like Black tusks new game and sunset overdrive would be where that billion is going.

I see, thanks for the clarification.

whats with people always arguing in the xbox one thread? is it like this in the ps4 thread as well?

Not sure what you're definition of arguing is. Discussing, yes. Arguing, don't see it.
whats with people always arguing in the xbox one thread? is it like this in the ps4 thread as well?

Really? Should I bring up the PS3 thread a few years ago? Between you and jetpac, it was a daily thing. :lol:

Like 8tothe24 said, its just discussion. Some people's preferences and opinions, ect. Again, I've seen much worse from you regularly, so its funny you play the innocent bystander now. :lol:
whats with people always arguing in the xbox one thread? is it like this in the ps4 thread as well?

lol.. in the PS4 thread I feel like most people are in agreeance whereas here I can't tell if its xbox fans debating each other or ps fans debating xbox fans.
whats with people always arguing in the xbox one thread? is it like this in the ps4 thread as well?

lol.. in the PS4 thread I feel like most people are in agreeance whereas here I can't tell if its xbox fans debating each other or ps fans debating xbox fans.

The thing is, I mostly stay out of the ps4 thread. Just like on neogaf, you cant say a single unflattering thing about the ps4 or sony without getting swarmed.

Add IGN to that list. So much so that they had to do an editorial on how bad their comment section was getting. :lol:
There's a difference between unflattering things and FUD like watch dogs will be better on xbone than ps4.
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