NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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Not to distract from this Pats cheating nonsense but do yall realize that there is going to be a live draft of the Pro Bowl players tomorrow?

Watching Andy Dalton being picked last will bring the lolz.
Apparently people were going off on Gano on twitter because of those tweets for whatever reason :lol:
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It's conceivable that the footballs were at the lower end of the required psi threshold and after being used outside, they dipped below the required psi range. I don't know. I don't even really care, but I'm already annoyed how this is picking up steam and how ESPN and others will run with this for the rest of the week. Ain't **** else going on and since the Pro Bowl is a joke they need a "story" to keep people tuned in until next week. :smh:
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It's a non issue to me. I don't really care if too much air, not enough, perfect amount, it doesn't stop you from tackling, blocking, covering, etc.

It just gives people something to fuss about for 2 weeks.
As a Dolphins fan... I 100% do not care. It didn't matter. The right two teams are going to the chip.

If they specifically have tape of a man in a trench coat, top hot, Pats hoodie not chopped at the sleeve and long curled mustache mischievously walking through hallways looking back and forth and dodging refs to jump into a room with footballs.... it's a non issue.
These next few days are gonna be fun.

"Anything you say can and will be used against you..."

Add in the people that start to pay attention to football around this time of the year and the hot takes & quotes become scorching.
but I'm already annoyed how this is picking up steam and how ESPN and others will run with this for the rest of the week. Ain't **** else going on and since the Pro Bowl is a joke they need a "story" to keep people tuned in until next week.
Smart man.
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Always something with the Pats. :lol:

It's really not a issue but if it's true it just further highlights how these MFers have no integrity. A real petty thing to do.
testing balls now?. league of cheaters anyway. wrist band with plays, camera pics during in game, film study, ms surface, telphone convo with coordinators.
Wait so they really did it? Its not like they needed any help winning...

Now i know why the ravens kick went 10 yards. Weebay.
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so let me get this straight

at the beginning of the game the Patriots had footballs deflated right at the border of the legal limit? correct

According to Panthers kicker Gano footballs lose some inflation in cold weather games

so if the Patriots already had the footballs deflated within the legal limit dont you think the cold weather added some pressure and thats when the inflation dropped below the legal limit?

what was the score at half? 17-7 with the illegal footballs

the refs switched the footballs to legal footballs at half time correct?

the Patriots went 28-0

yeah people just looking for a story

colts would have got beat either way
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