NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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did this dude bell really say "I didn't know you could get a DUI for being high"?????!!!!!!!!
watching this video now and Chris Cooley is soooo full of **** :lol:

it's a damn racial slur stop trying to defend it man

the name comes from a man that refused to integrate the team until pressured by the damn president
Chris Cooley going in on FT right now
what happened?

Don't know how to embed, but here's the link to the segment. They went for like a solid 20 minutes about the topic.

They sent this sacrificial lamb out there to help the situation.  Just like how Cooley was when he was on the field he was a bad football player just like he's a bad representation of what this franchise is about and why they are so reluctant to change the name. 
Yea I was done with that Cooley thing when he said Santa Claus only had an 82% approval rate :lol: :smh: couldn't take him too seriously after that.
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[COLOR=#red]Where as Cooley is an idiot... and has been since unknown...

He very last point is correct.

Say what you will about anything before, but if the team changes their name it is clearly saying the NFL and the Washington team was and is wrong. That it is a racial slur... which it is and has been, which drives me nuts because it's nothing new. So why did this take 82 years to be addressed?? Any who... Therefore where does all the history go? "the Washington team" won this and this Superbowl... "The Washington Team" QB Joe Theisman... every time they say anything like that everyone and their mother will think the name. Also how much clothing do you think they have of said team. Unlimited amount? As soon as they wear 1 shirt tmz, espn, and others will lose their minds about putting it all over the media outlets.

It really is a double edged sword. Don't fault anyone for not changing the name, I believe it would be just as bad in the long run. Because now Snyder has had the team, said he wouldn't change the name... The second he did people would call him a racist for having it so long and wanting to keep it. There is no win in this situation.

Go Dolphins. [/COLOR]
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It's not a double edged sword. It's an offensive name. The downside of him changing it is purely financial. Not buying any garbage about people calling him racist if he changes it.
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