NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

We don't need a QB.

I said it multiple times- Jimmy is mid. But he isn't terrible.

And before someone posts it, IDC about his numbers today.

That game was being played in a swamp.

Not counting today, youre telling me if you got in a shootout Jimmy and your offense can hang with the cream of the crop (assuming health)? - Saints Rams Seahawks Ravens Chiefs to name a few
Jimmy is not good. He looks shaky against mediocrity. I just cannot buy SF solely on their front 7. Schedule is super weak too. They'll be in the playoffs, which is all you need, but I don't buy it.
So far...he has been shaky. I believe with Brees, the Saints ahead of us. With Bridgewater, you can argue either way. The are definitely a proven contender though, so this leads me to giving them a notch above us.

He really hates Pete. Damn
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