Nice houses/garages. Post them.

Meh that UWS crib is nice and all but it woudnt feel like a home. Looks more like a musuem or something, id want my $110 milli home to be comfy as ****. Polar bear rugs everywhere and sheep wool pillows and blankets over errythang.
Meh that UWS crib is nice and all but it woudnt feel like a home. Looks more like a musuem or something, id want my $110 milli home to be comfy as ****. Polar bear rugs everywhere and sheep wool pillows and blankets over errythang.

See, I'm different. I would want my dream home to feel like a department store. Music constantly playing over the PA and all.

EDIT: Sooooooo, someone gonna explain the baby peguins in the kitchen?
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I wonder what it would be like living in these houses on a daily basis. Seems like it would be a bit weird. I'd probably stare at the house for a good 5-10 mins everyday :lol: :pimp:
Upper west side Manhattan, due bought it for 20 mil in 2007 and sold it for over 110m
I feel like to afford this you have to be so busy working you're never home to enjoy this.

IDK I wanna be wealthy but I still want a home life.
I feel like to afford this you have to be so busy working you're never home to enjoy this.

IDK I wanna be wealthy but I still want a home life.
 The wealthy make their money work for them. They aren't trading their time for money.

I love those houses in NW DC. I'd love to have a nice house out their, but it is pretty secluded in certain areas.
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See, I'm different. I would want my dream home to feel like a department store. Music constantly playing over the PA and all.

EDIT: Sooooooo, someone gonna explain the baby peguins in the kitchen?

Baby penguins are fake. Just crystal statues on the floor cause his kids love them. Bet they cost a grip too. House belonged to the owner of the Florida panthers don't know who owns it know I think anrussian billionaire does now.
Upper west side Manhattan, due bought it for 20 mil in 2007 and sold it for over 110m

I feel like to afford this you have to be so busy working you're never home to enjoy this.
IDK I wanna be wealthy but I still want a home life.|I

Work hard while you're young.

Make those millions/billions.

Retire early. Enjoy.

Silicon bill's can cash out and enjoy the spoils of life early if they wanted.

Its that love of the game that keeps them in it.

I'd cash out before my 40's. And enjoy that money.

My garage at the moment. Not pictured is a Toyota Camry (04). Seeing the things in this thread hurts my feelings :smh:
The Obama's Post-Presidency Rental House, Kolarama, DC

In late May T&C  revealed  that the Obama family is moving to an 8,200-square-foot house they'll be renting in the exclusive Kalorama neighborhood of Washington, D.C. after they leave the White House.

And now we can give you a tour of the inside, thanks to listing agent Mark McFadden. Keep in mind that these photos are from before the house sold  in 2014, so it will probably look quite different when the Obamas move in early next year.

i think the backyard would look better with a pool...
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Plus isnt he just staying there till his daughter finishes school?
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