"Nike air Flight Huarache" Still hoping, praying, and waiting for these to return. This year or n


Got them in yesterday, wore them today. Looks great, fits great for me (1/2-size up works), and feels great! I love the runner a lot, and these Flight versions are really great as well. Very comfortable and fairly lightweight.

big1236 big1236 - My thoughts may likely not count, but I actually shot some hoops during my break for work and in terms of underfoot cushioning, they felt really good! Again, I just shot around and did very light stuff (mostly jumpshots with a few floaters and lay-ups) since it was hot as hell and my left knee ain't so good no more :frown:. However, perfect for what I was looking for haha.


I didn’t see any movement on my order from unknown. Email them and they cancelled my order! Oh well, on to the next!
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