NIKE Air Jordan IV OG White Fire Red: Black Friday 2020: Nov. 28th

This Lady has to be the smarter Fake shoe maker out there. She is a head of the curve and its refreshing to see this lol! You guys are gonna see me in some plastic 4s soon! 🤣

BigSparky1316 BigSparky1316 , you're my mans and all... But get these fake low tops the **** outta here.

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Hahaha! I feel that deep man even the Fakes copy the ****ty shape. I'm still fkd up they wont just fix these at least do it with the last OG to drop. I feel like the shape of that Taupe Haze pair were lower then the fire reds they're regressing to 2005 shape on this model.
I find it hilarious that popular sneaker youtubers that make real vs fake comparison videos ignore the fact that if they compared two retail authentic pairs it would be differences.

I have a pair of fire red 4s that I bought from finish line that have so many defects directly from Nike. I bet they wouldn’t pass any authenticity tests😂 When they comparing shoes with sloppy defects.

I remember when cheap materials and bad shape was the way to determine if shoes were real or fake in the past, cause Nike’s manufacturing was so elite😔
You've never worn the Gamma XIs then.
The Gammas were real pinky toe killers. Believe it or not the NA 4's dont hurt my feet, but they aren't comfortable either. Going half size up is what helped me. Now on the other hand, i had a pair of the recent retro of black cat 4s and those things killed my pinky toe and thats even when going a half size up.
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