Nike Air Max 95 - Firepit - Obsidian - Spring 2010 Sample

Looks likes someone at Nike lost their pair of AM95 ID's & they said "Let's go with these for 2010" - "Firepit" lol - theycould at least re-release the Antifreeze CW instead.

I predict outlet sales on this like the rest (Gucci, NY skyline, HK Olympics cw, etc.)
Originally Posted by jbv1

Looks likes someone at Nike lost their pair of AM95 ID's & they said "Let's go with these for 2010" - "Firepit" lol - they could at least re-release the Antifreeze CW instead.
that's like saying, "sheesh, spam again for dinner? they could at least have given me a filet mignon!" haha. antifreeze = heat.
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