Nike Air Yeezy 2 Authentic/Fake Comparison


I personally check the pair from this angle to check the toebox shape and if it is slanted or boxed shaped to fully confirm if it is legit or not since all the recent fakes that have come out have better outsoles.

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Hey guys.. can I get a legit check on this pair? From my vantage point it looks good but just need another set of eyes to validate.

Not the best at spotting red Octobers but I'm going to say legit^^^^ tongue, shape, suede looks good to me.
Second opinion may help tho
Hey guys new to nike talk but not new to the game. Was wondering if cout get a legit check on these solars
I did but those were fakes in 2012 and fakes got way better since then. What your opinion on these,real or fake?

Those are FAKE bro. Box tag from a distance says it all. Also you can tell the box is small just like any other fake yeezy 2 box. Mines are size 10.5 and the box makes them look like a size 8 when inside the box.
FAKE. The insole is too embossed, circle lace lock is too thin, shape of the scales is off and the lace tip doesn't stick out a little bit as it should from the screw on tip if that makes any sense.
Hey guys I am new here and need a legit check. Guy says they are 100% legit but seems kinda fishy. This is all the pics he has to me the scales look good? And he posted a pic of legit box but it is for platinums not solars. He said he has both and took a pic with the wrong box.
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