NIKE Barkley Posite max

My size 12 will not end up on eBay.. It's crazy with all the reselling hype going on.

But if someone wants to trade me some yeezy's then I'd think about it....
These looked incredible in person today. Sadly, I was a good ten people behind the last pair. Eggplants on the radar
Surprised I was able to get these from NDC this morning. Easiest release from them in like a year for me.
Very simple math - on NDC if a product is not TLO, there will be less people trying to buy the shoe BEFORE the twitter link becomes available. It's that simple. That's why plenty of people were able to get these without issue. If you didn't search for the product before the twitter link went out you were MINUTES behind and at a huge disadvantage already.

I never even took into account that alot of people were probably waiting on the twitter link. I had been striking out on those TLO releases for awhile.
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I found a flaw in Eastbay, Footlocker, Footaction, and Finishlines "Add to cart" button 

I'd share, but I want to make sure it deff works. So by next release I will let people know via PM if you're curious. Theres too many lurkers for me to be posting it in public, and if you have 2 posts you best bet I ain't sayin' nothing. 
I hate the countdowns on footlocker and foot action. On my comp its always like 5 seconds behind normal time.. So I can't add to cart until 5 secs late. Anyone else have that issue?
I missed out on these.  Got tired of clicking add to cart.  Then I come back hours later and they are in my cart but unavailable as soon as I go to check out.  Oh well.  "You can't always get what you wannnnt." 
Struck out once again!!!! I think I'm about done trying to get shoes online...pointless for me... Congrats to those who were able tp buy with "ease"
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