Nike Free Trainer 5.0 TB (3/28/13)

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I know this is a shot in the dark, but has anyone seen the Oklahoma's sitting at any of their local Champs or anywhere else? They're just as dope as the Cris Carter's to me (which are my favorites).
Anyone returning their Oregon Trainers after the loss?
Haha I joked with my friend that I was throwing them in the trash, but I wore them that whole day.  I got over it.

Oregon fans can be spoiled.  A 2-3 loss year is unacceptable, a horrible season.  But Oregon's horrible seasons are other teams amazing seasons.

I do wish I waited to cop them on the 20% off, I thought they would go quick so I got them release day.
Ohio state restock on Richards boom got my 11.5 , also the Oregons are 20% off
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