NIKE+ FUELBAND --- Nike's Big Announcement (1/19/12)

Nike apparently knows these have a lot of defects because I just returned mine to the ES, no receipt, no questions asked. They didn't have my size small, black, in stock so they put the full $150 on a gift card. I want another one but will wait for the black one to come in stock. I hope its like a newer version that doesn't have so many things wrong with it, my button just all of a sudden stuck, not being able to press it down, and I had it for maybe 3 weeks.
yup, they're pretty good about exchanges. no questions asked at NTSF
Do they need to be replaced often? Is this a recurring problem for everyone? Hopefully they fix that problem soon if it's a universal problem.

Also, does anyone wear this to play ball? I want to get it to track my "fuel" for lifting and running, but also play ball 2-3 times per week. Wondering if it gets in the way or is annoying at all. Thanks!

Yeah they're pretty good at exchanging. On my most recent one, I just brought the receipt and took the fuel band off my wrist and they gave me a brand new one with the box and contents. The 1st time I swapped, they just gave me the band and kept the cords to connect it to the computer.

I use it for ball. The first two fuelbands kept falling off but this latest one has a stronger clasp for some reason and it's even harder to unhook it, which is a good thing.
I noticed that too, the newer ones definitely have a better clasp. seem to made from a better rubber too cause my old one faded like crazy
Quick question. I noticed in some pictures the band shows a time. Does it show the current time? Or the amount of time you have been active that day? Or something completely different? Thanks
I'm still afraid to use mine for ball, but I absolutely love it. Really motivates me to exercise and get up and move around.
I got code 802 on my OG Ice.
I dont know if I should keep it as a watch or replace or refund.
^ I would replace it at Niketown. takes like 2 minutes
Has anyone else has this happen to them? This was on Thursday. It had it right on the graph but wrong on the bottom and on my overall Nikefuel. Yesterday when I synced it had no problem matching the fuel and the graph.


got an error 802 on my og ice as well today. are these even available anymore to be replaced?
thanks. that stinks, i think i just want my money back... i wear it everyday as a watch, but i do check my goal. it seems to be working fine. i havent synced it in months b/c im on a droid. only reason i plugged it in today was b/c of daylight savings to correct the clock. i think im gonna keep rocking it until i notice the malfunction...
Fuelband and Basketball+ got me to switch to IPhone and now I've got iPads and there is no looking back for me. I doubt Nike will ever have the same quality of apps for Android.
Fuelband and Basketball+ got me to switch to IPhone and now I've got iPads and there is no looking back for me. I doubt Nike will ever have the same quality of apps for Android.

Tim Cook loves people like you. :pimp:

My White Ice and Black have had no issues so far.

Speaking about updates, I don't see one happening anytime soon with the Black/White being pushed so heavily in the holiday season and STILL being a main focus on their social networks. A fall update going into this Holiday season could work to try and push for people's "new year new me" fitness crap.

I wish we could:
-Create custom banners for hitting goal
-Set reminders that you need to hit your goal
-Longer battery life (isn't a big deal now, but improvements are always better)

Seriously, my FBs have replaced my watch collection completely. I don't even feel right without it on now.
I wish we could ad more friends. Through other outlets.

And by 'fully waterproof' what are you saying? Either it is, or it isn't.
Well since its water resistant now and can handle showers and light exposure to water, I mean FULLY by submerging. Swimming and being completely underwater would be nice.
My original black wouldn't charge suddenly. Exchanged for a white ice since they're out of the original black and I wasn't feeling the black ice. Definitely a substantially different look to my wrist from the past year solid black. Nike Gtown store was good about the exchange.

I love how the white ice pops with the LEDs. When you say out do you mean just out of stock or did they say Something about it being discontinued?
Out of stock but he said they no longer have been getting shipments, which could mean Nike's pushing the ice inventory until they come up with a new version.
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