Nike Talk, any HANDBALL players?

which handball are we talking about?
i took course in college in handball (the one with the small hard blue ball). played it in the raquetball room. pretty fun. but hitting that ball hurts your hand.

thats what i meant by traditional handball. type you see in the pen, at parks, ect. the one DC was talking about and is in the olympics looks like water polo without the water.

mcfly posted comparison vids up ^there.

we all trying to play olympic style so we can be apart of the 2016 brazilian orgy :evil:

and it looks fun
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Looks like Ghetto Tennis to me

And Olympic handball looks sooo easy.  Only reason the sport isn't dominated by actual athletes is probably because they're busy playing other sports.
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If you're from NYC it's almost guaranteed you've played a game or two. Especially in Queens. It's like a culture here.
ive played NY handball in my HS days.
That Olympic handball looks like fun. Im going to look for a league so that I can be a weekend warrior.
Used to play handball all the time growing up in Queens. Looking back on it, it's a pretty lame sport IMO.

Some help on identifying some shoes for handball

in this image of this side:

There is a set of large images portraying several athletes, in the 8th image from top to bottom, in the very right side there is one guy with the name Vince Munoz, who is a handball player, do you guys know what shoes he is wearing in that picture? Are those Nikes?

Pretty please!!

Thanks in advance.
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