NikeTalk Live 2018 Panel Discussion - Check back soon for a video recap!

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
Sorry we missed you. Check back soon for the recording!

This year, our panel features @Nelson C, @ekin702, @eyes of hazel, among other guests at our live event in Las Vegas.

Simply reply to this thread to submit a question for our panel and stay tuned for the live thread beginning at 5 PM EST, 2 PM PST.

If you can't tune in live, an archived version of the stream will be available after the event has concluded.
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Wish I could be there
Work has we flying around last week and this week
Most of us couldn't make the event in person for a wide variety of reasons, which is exactly why we're offering a live stream this year. Right now, you'll just see the event logo, but the live coverage will kick over once the panel discussion begins in about ten minutes. I've been looking forward to it all week.
We are taking questions to ask live. Post them here!
Where are you guys from? What’s your favorite section of NT? How did you guys find the site?
Thanks to everyone for tuning in and participating. If you missed it, don't worry - we'll have an archived version of today's panel discussion online later this evening.

Sadly, Air Rev was unable to take part in the panel due to a family commitment, but we hope to have him take part at a future event.
i missed this i was a little sick

man looking forward to the recap. :nthat:
i missed this i was a little sick

man looking forward to the recap. :nthat:

Totally forgot about this!
I think it flew under the radar for a lot of people. By the time we began talking about the live stream, most of the people following the NikeTalk Live thread were those planning to attend in person - and they didn't need to know the streaming time in advance.

Those who didn't know in advance had at best a one hour window to stumble across it by luck, but the good news is that they're working on compiling all of the video filmed from the event - including the panel discussion - to put together a recap video.

Each event is a learning experience for both the online and in-person experience, and we'll do our best to improve both aspects for as long as NikeTalk members are interested. It's important to us to deliver the type of experience you deserve, and do justice to our community's rich tradition of meetup events and "sneaker summits." Next time, we'll make sure to schedule the exact timing of the panel discussion much further in advance and begin collecting user questions prior to the event.

If you're looking forward to seeing this on demand, please be patient for a little while longer.

I'd initially thought that the archived version would be available quickly, but the professional videographer retained for this year's event would like to go the extra mile to make the panel discussion video even better. (Add subtitles for audience questions that may not have registered completely with the directional microphone, edit out the splash screen that ran before the stream began, optimize the white balance for better picture quality, etc.)

Longtime community members in particular will enjoy the panel discussion. Today's panelists have been part of our community for at least 15 years each. Most of them had only just met in person, but, thanks to NikeTalk, they all seemed like old friends.

I'm grateful to them, and to everyone involved in this year's live event, for exemplifying the best aspects of our community and our shared culture.
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