^Going in I see :pimp: I ordered one of the gifts, gunna order the rest tomorrow most likely. I just hope they don't have anything I bough them and can't put the gifts to good use.
ordered a couple things for my elf. hoping (s)he likes them...kinda wanted to ask, but didn't know how without giving it away.
Could be a problem if you don't know their gender
Just dropped my gift off to our mail room....

We have a payroll deduction, that's good because i do not want to know how much it cost to ship from Indiana to Hawaii lol....

Can't wait to get my elf's gift shipped.

I will be getting a few items in the mail by Tuesday, but I will still be waiting on the last item. It should be here right around the shipping deadline. Hopefully.

I think my elf is a male. Never really thought about it. This is NT, what's the odds I get one of the 3 women. They do have a tiny shirt size and an average shoe size. Could go either way I guess. :nerd:
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Can't wait to get my elf's gift shipped.

I will be getting a few items in the mail by Tuesday, but I will still be waiting on the last item. It should be here right around the shipping deadline. Hopefully.

I think my elf is a male. Never really thought about it. This is NT, what's the odds I get one of the 3 women. They do have a tiny shirt size and an average shoe size. Could go either way I guess.
dude said tiny 
Just dropped my gift off to our mail room....

We have a payroll deduction, that's good because i do not want to know how much it cost to ship from Indiana to Hawaii lol....


I think I know who this is, lol
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Just dropped my gift off to our mail room....

We have a payroll deduction, that's good because i do not want to know how much it cost to ship from Indiana to Hawaii lol....

I think I know who this is, lol
Retract that statement, I just got an email from our mail room.... 2nd day air UPS  is $17   ..... ???? WTF!

I dont shipped **** to Cali USPS that took 2 weeks and cost me $20. SMH

If my Santa hooked me up with a pair of yeezy 1s I would cry

Starting to pick up things for my elf I really hopes he likes his gifts
I'm not going to post my address, if anyone wants it they can PM me.

Gift cards to Chipotle, McDonalds, really anywhere would be great :smokin
should i ship it straight to him, or should i package it nicely and people like the extra stuff? gift wrap? letter?
My elf made it a bit hard to stalk him so I have to go off the questionnaire alone. He filled it out alright, could've been a bit more concrete on his wish list though. I was trying to go 3/3 on getting my elves exactly what they requested. I have a good idea of what I'm going to get him though, we have pretty similar interests.
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