NJ Man Kidnapped/found dead in the trunk of his car...Instagram Model part of the setup pg. 5

you probably right since I already made 6 figures last years how about I higher you so you can be my brains since it sounds like you already have both..
This jamergrady guy talking a whole Lotta nonsense. Bet he still in high school. I lived in upstate NY near Syracuse for four years. Dudes out there are soft and always tryna act hard :lol: Upstate fashion is a joke. Dudes dont know how to dress. Still dressing like the baggy jean and tall tee era. Nothing to do up there and it's depressing out there in the winter. Almost everybody is obese upstate.

Upstate new York is pretty much like the south believe it or not. People out there were heavy into NASCAR, hunting, drinking cheap beer, driving chevys, shopping at Walmart :lol:
there's a BIG difference from live near syracuse and living in syracuse believe it or not the comment about nascars, hunting, beer his a BIG misconception about the inter city of syracuse I'm sorry you got stuck out in the country with nothing but red necks but believe it or not it's hoods and gang violence in my city but what do I know I'm a 21 year old high school student that drives a 2013 cadillac and owns his own home.. go figure

:wow: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Man it's too late to be laughing like this.

We got a new one NT :lol: :smh:
Wow...guess I woke this thread up a bit. :lol:

NYC is great.  So is NOVA.  I've lived in both places, and I just don't have any desire to live in the north anymore.

I LOVE IT here in Tampa, for reasons I've already listed, and more.

BTW, it was 82 degrees and sunny here today.  Took the Jeep out.  What's the weather like in NYC? :D

You bragging about weather? ... weather? :lol:
This dude lying like superb. Log off b. You got school in the morning
I've post my cadillac in the car thread so feel free to go take a look.. no troll real ****** ****
Also the a3 in my avy was my boy first whip when he was 17 I let him use my NT and he put the pic up a long time ago just never changed it
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what do I know I'm a 21 year old high school student that drives a 2013 cadillac and owns his own home.. go figure

Fam you 21 and in high school? :lol:
I thought NYC public education was bad :rofl:
Guess upstate ain't no better

Bruh you still haven't explained why you dumb *** still in high school lmfao

Who the hell claims upstate NY though (I kid I kid), Ya might as we'll be part of Canada
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Upstate goons though :lol:
the official goons of NY State

From a guy that was born and raised and NY, lived in NJ and got to see upstate NY Frequently, upstate NY gets it in. From spring valley, Poughkeepsie, rochester and all the way up to buffalo, and 'cuse. They gets down. Those who say different never left the city IMO. There's more to NY than the block you rep son.
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I'm not in a state where I need to calm down or chill though.

This **** just wreaks of lameness.
somebody asks you a question and you go on a tangent talking about it's lame for asking?

Kinda dumb *** **** is that?

Ever been to Europe? Prolly not... So what idea do you have of Europe? From talking to people and from the media.

Then, the fact that 3 people in this thread dissed Jersey tells me I was right.

Some of you NY cats really need some yambs. You too high strung, b. :lol:
I don't know why dudes on here that make certain comments about the city that ain't about that life? Stay in yah lane and stop tryna relieve a life you ain't never appearances before aha it's ok to be from the city and be lame.. not everybody from the city is living it up.. that the problem ppl from the city have a problem being there self

I guess upstate really is thorough cause after reading this **** it's clear education really ain't a priority...
I've noticed that smaller towns outside of major cities bang harder than dudes inside the city..

Midwest cats are :x :x

It just seems like outside of the city, there's less hierarchy and dudes have more to prove...
Yeah upstate has goons but every state has goons. Quite honestly I spent most of my life in NYC, what's the point of me going from inner city NY just to spent more time in another hood. You seen one hood you seen them all, it's all the same story IMO.

For those who were wondering....NYC obviously has tons of different things to offer that you can enjoy regardless of the time of year which is why we take to it. You will NEVER get shorted on events, no matter what. Best way to find out is to spend some time. Obviously the more money you have the more you can truly immerse yourself and Fontaine seeing as you are involved in finance you'd have plenty you get into in terms of work. Your money stretches longer down south, you earn more up here so it should all balance out at the end of the day.

Not everyone is balling but we manage. Things are getting more expensive so if you aren't truly established you'll have struggles, but you'll bounce back if your focused. It takes work but you can live a decent middle class life and enjoy what the city has to offer. Living in the outer boroughs helps with the prices and there's been a lot of rebuilding going on also. Gentrification is rampant.

Jersey is right across the river, or you could live in Westchester County. Jersey has its spots buts it's selling point is you can live for cheap(er) and still enjoy the big city across the river IMO.
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They have the little complex in terms people think they soft cause they ain't from the city.

What I've learned from my worldy travels is goons are everywhere no matter where you go
Every state got goons. Plenty of New York dudes used to get punked down in Durham. I will say DC/Bmore got some real thorough cats. Dudes come down to visit their cousins at school and hit a few licks before they go back up :lol:
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