No Joke: Ten Tips For Improving Bad Posture

I slouch so much
and hate it
Tip: Correct your posture whenever you walk or stand. Just simulate what you would do if someone were to pour ice cold water down your back.
I was surprised to see that lifting isn't on there. Ever since I started my posture improved drastically. 
My back hurts. I literally sat up and my girlfriend looked at me weird. I always slouch and will stop from now on.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Good posture says a lot about a person and it's much more appealing, straight up. (no pun)

Agreed.  Standing tall and not being afraid to take room shows confidence.
22 days into No Fap May and I have the best posture of my life. I've always been mindful of my posture but you can't keep it on your mind 24/7. Especially when I walked I would lean forward slightly.

Now Im still mindful of my posture and when I remember I try to straighten my back and it can't get any straighter. Its like I have this energy from within that is always magnified with good posture. So as a result I do it all the time.

I find myself slouching while I'm sitting on my bed playing games. I've been trying to stop, but it's a bad habit. I started to get lower back pains, so I've been working on it.
I've felt that back pain too PlayOff12, try Romanian Deadlifts they help your lower back really well.
Originally Posted by swishasweets

I've felt that back pain too PlayOff12, try Romanian Deadlifts they help your lower back really well.
I haven't had any pains lately because I haven't been slouching as much, but I'll look into that. Thanks.
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

Tip: Correct your posture whenever you walk or stand. Just simulate what you would do if someone were to pour ice cold water down your back.

I do this, but I find myself slouching soon afterwards. I need to stretch more. I put a lot of pressure on my back at work. Throwing 70+ pound bags in a small airplane bin is no joke.
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