no one should have a billion dollars. no, not him either.

But they've already opened as and are rented to wealthy people. You can't compare mid grade buildings with working class renters

you gotta understand sir, those glass high-rise are postmodern trends in architecture. back in da fifties and sixties da towers that I'm referring to were considered state-of-the-art luxury high-rises in their time.
you gotta understand sir, those glass high-rise are postmodern trends in architecture. back in da fifties and sixties da towers that I'm referring to were considered state-of-the-art luxury high-rises in their time.
Your own link indicated they weren't around in the 50s
Joints you mentioning were middle class from the first lease.

because da business of erecting those high-rises became unprofitable to luxury developers and were essentially abandoned, left to da city to pick up da pieces.

da only high-rises that were built for expressly written purposes of housing working class and poor people were da Taino towers in da east side of Harlem and da River park Towers in da Bronx, next to da Roberto Clemente State Park.
because da business of erecting those high-rises became unprofitable to luxury developers and were essentially abandoned, left to da city to pick up da pieces.

da only high-rises that were built for expressly written purposes of housing working class and poor people were da Taino towers in da east side of Harlem and da River park Towers in da Bronx, next to da Roberto Clemente State Park.
You have no idea what you're talking about do you? Mitchell Lama is all you need to know about those buildings you mention.
You have no idea what you're talking about do you? Mitchell Lama is all you need to know about those buildings you mention

Mitchell lama been used as a veneer to make da luxury high rises in da 1st place, because developers knew they had a sunset provision. you sure its you who dunno what they're talking about? :lol:
In many respects, Mitchell-Lama was a tremendous success. In the end, the program led to the development of 269 State-supervised developments with over 105,000 apartments. The bulk of the Mitchell-Lama buildings were erected in New York City where the mid-century housing crisis was most notable. Unfortunately, after twenty to thirty-five years (the length depended on when the developers initially joined the program), the initial terms of the Mitchell-Lama contracts expired. This meant that Mitchel-Lama’s developers could voluntarily buy out of the program and convert their units to market rent.

Mitchell lama been used as a veneer to make da luxury high rises in da 1st place, because developers knew they had a sunset provision. you sure its you who dunno what they're talking about? :lol:
I'm positive I know what I'm talking about as your link points out.
luxury high rises eventually become middle class housing once da price drops enough... plenty of those scenarios already played out with big towers. throughout da cities.
except you conveniently left out da fact that mitchell-lama programs had an expiration date and after that date passed developers can hike up rents to market rate.
Are YOU sure you know what you're talking about :rofl:
Are YOU sure you know what you're talking about :rofl:

are you ignoring getting that market forces contribute to decline or rise in prices?

also luxury is a fleeting term...what was luxury in one era is considered bleh in another...see grand concourse in da bronx.

Lol you liberals are clowns, I'm not white, never have been. But if you see someone not enabling minorities they're suffering from white privilege or racism.
You’ve definitely told me u were white “from the fatherland,” and now you’re trying to deny being white to fit an agenda and honestly... I don’t like that. It’s cowardice and I don’t respect you as a person indefinitely. Go Nazi salute or something.
You’ve definitely told me u were white “from the fatherland,” and now you’re trying to deny being white to fit an agenda and honestly... I don’t like that. It’s cowardice and I don’t respect you as a person indefinitely. Go Nazi salute or something.

:lol: I'm sorry I fooled you. Google me, @GirlthatsJules I'm on every social media service. I've been on #NT for decades, never been white. U mad?
:lol: I'm sorry I fooled you. Google me, @GirlthatsJules I'm on every social media service. I've been on #NT for decades, never been white. U mad?

....auditing the rich is hard. It takes senior auditors hours upon hours to complete an exam. What’s more, the letter says, “the rate of attrition is significantly higher among these more experienced examiners.” As a result, the budget cuts have hit this part of the IRS particularly hard.

For now, the IRS says, while it agrees auditing more wealthy taxpayers would be a good idea, without adequate funding there’s nothing it can do. “Congress must fund and the IRS must hire and train appropriate numbers of [auditors] to have appropriately balanced coverage across all income levels,” the report said.

gee, it couldn't be that some government institutions are intentionally underfunded to benefit elites, could it?

gee, it couldn't be that some government institutions are intentionally underfunded to benefit elites, could it?
Will no **** they can’t afford lawyers, and certainly not the best lawyers.
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