normal things you stay the hell away from vol.....NOPE

might be...

I'm pushing 30 :lol: :smh:

One more...

girls who don't know how to dance. no rhythm.
Chicken, if I can see the veins.


So true! I hate purple chicken breh :x

Famb be looking at me, saying "Don't throw that away; there's still chicken on the bone" as if I don't already know, && as if there isn't a solid *** reason for it :smh: :lol:
Playing with babies/puppies/kittens. Jumping around, making weird sounds, calling it know. It's just too much for me. It seems like everyone naturally does it and it just feels weird to me.
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-the ocean when I cant feel the bottom........hell no.

I can swim but I HATE this, like if its a pool or lake Im good but the ocean I always feel like some **** is gonna come eat me 
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Bros, i went kayaking in the ocean in mexico, clear water. Went far to a little island started seeing turtles and stuff, the whole time im thinking about sharks :smh: , huge pelican birds flying at you. Aint about that life no more.
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Small Talk... I hate it. I will take an alternate path if I see someone that I don't want to talk to at all.
this...i do the same exact thing. small talk is always very awkward/tedious.

also for me: going on top of the roof of a house. for example, to put up shingles or sit and look at the stars. i feel like im going to fall right through and die haha
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I always prefer the seat with one side if my body free to lean and relax. On airplanes I prefer the aisle seat, in lectures I prefer the aisle and door seats as well. I avoid the middle row seats in both settings
Bugs (that paranoid feeling when there's something on you) 

Mushrooms (Fungus will not enter my body)
since we talking about chicks...

I stay away from chicks who have kids

chicks who wear Jordans or are into sneakers

chicks with wack tattoos

chicks who only have guy friends or their bff is a guy.

chicks who are into Disneyland or Hello Kitty.

As you get older, this becomes almost impossible.
-the ocean when I cant feel the bottom........hell no.

**** the ocean in general, man, that's shark territory.

People be getting attacked near the shore and ****.

No thanks, Jeff, I'll chill in the sand.
MTA subway being stuck underground between stations. Always freaks me out wondering how long its gonna take to get moving again.
I don't mess with escalators either..well the downward going ones. I feel like I would take one wrong step and fall and break my neck.
open toe shoes, I will never expose my gross *** feet in public
when someone farts im walking away
hate perfume, it hurts my nose
frozen yogurt
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Playing with babies/puppies/kittens. Jumping around, making weird sounds, calling it know. It's just too much for me. It seems like everyone naturally does it and it just feels weird to me.

it dont do cats but dogs & babies are cool

BUT what i just went thru in the grocery store last night was not cool..... couldnt even get my shopping done for people stopping me "oh your baby is soooo cute, etc" callin family members from over from other isles n **** ... thats ok with fam & friends not with strangers, one lady almost touched her face & i damn near flipped out on her. give me & my child our due personal space, make a comment & keep it pushing literally .dont stop me & try to strike up a convo when im clearly here on biz.
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