Nosey People Unappreciation

Aug 10, 2003
so im at work doing my thing and this girl next to me keeps looking at my computer.... then when i look at her she turns her head to play it off like nothing happened... and no she not cute... its starting to get old and annoying but i don't want to say something and get confrontational... i got my window minimized mad small so she cant see my typing this lol... but what would yall do and did this ever happen to yall?
Just politely ask her if there is something she needs since she keeps looking at your computer
Why dont you type in big words so she can be able to see, CAN I HELP YOU? or STOP LOOKING THIS WAY.
@ "no she not cute".
Just say can I help you with something?
this is exactly why i try to mind my own business at all times, cause i cant stand people who try to get into everyone elses
Originally Posted by you go boy

so im at work doing my thing and this girl next to me keeps looking at my computer.... then when i look at her she turns her head to play it off like nothing happened... and no she not cute... its starting to get old and annoying but i don't want to say something and get confrontational... i got my window minimized mad small so she cant see my typing this lol... but what would yall do and did this ever happen to yall?


- Gotta love NT

- You have to train her to imediately cease violation of your visual privacy.  Whenever you notice/catch
her glancing over at your screen, drop a silent but deadly and resume working, more diligently than before.  Eventually, she will make the connection and not allow her curiosity to consume her, like a child.

- She must be trained!
Reminds me of my former co-worker. I stayed on NT at work and she'd always try to catch a peak.....fall back.
well i said she not cute cuz i knew yall would be curious and ask for pics which you wouldnt want to see anyway
... im not going to lie i go on the internet to look at stuff thats why im on niketalk now... but dont look at me like your my boss... mind you this chick is texting on her iphone and aim at the same time like every 5 just doing what everyone else is doing... dont get it twisted i get my work done... i handle my grizzley no iverson
you go boy wrote:
well i said she not cute cuz i knew yall would be curious and ask for pics which you wouldnt want to see anyway
... im not going to lie i go on the internet to look at stuff thats why im on niketalk now... but dont look at me like your my boss... mind you this chick is texting on her iphone and aim at the same time like every 5 minutes...
im just doing what everyone else is doing... dont get it twisted i get my work done... i handle my grizzley no iverson

- That was some real talk, right there.

- "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
Sling your arm across the desk and knock over her computer and keyboard and say

I have the same problem with people who peek inside of my office whenever I'm working, its like they're walking by and all of the sudden they slow down to a crawl and I see their head out of the corner of my eye looking into the door's window which is like the size of a rectangle - it's pretty obvious.

So I hit em with this setup:

Spoiler [+]


p.s. The monitor is behind him, but that's what he's there for...mean mugging & blocking. And it scares a lot of people as well.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Sling your arm across the desk and knock over her computer and keyboard and say


i say you stare @ her for an uncomfortable amount of time
!#$@ happened to me earlier when i was in the random cell phone pic thread in Bus. Apps Class...
...broad like, "what's that?" and "Who is that?"
Originally Posted by methedy23

Originally Posted by you go boy

so im at work doing my thing and this girl next to me keeps looking at my computer.... then when i look at her she turns her head to play it off like nothing happened... and no she not cute... its starting to get old and annoying but i don't want to say something and get confrontational... i got my window minimized mad small so she cant see my typing this lol... but what would yall do and did this ever happen to yall?


- Gotta love NT

- You have to train her to imediately cease violation of your visual privacy.  Whenever you notice/catch
her glancing over at your screen, drop a silent but deadly and resume working, more diligently than before.  Eventually, she will make the connection and not allow her curiosity to consume her, like a child.

- She must be trained!

  Well said, sir.
I hate when people wanna come all up into my screen and see what im typing or ask about avy or a pic bout something as im browsing NT or Facebook...

When someone comes around that can see my monitor, i just minimize my internet window and just leave up some "work" related stuff til they leave.
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