NT Book Club Vol. WDYRTD

New to this thread, coming in with the age of question: Nook or Kindle?

One of my New Years Resolutions is to at least have a book or two read a month. Not sure if I wanna just go with physical copies or the e-reader route, but would like some info on either device to weigh my options.

Thanks in advance.

I havent been able to read a physical book (not counting textbooks for school) ever since getting my ipad.

It shouldnt even be a question as to what ebook reader you should get, the kindle paperwhite is too goat. i'm trying to get one too because the ipad isnt cutting it.
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currently reading reading Moonwalking WIth Einstein by Joshua Foer, pretty good book. After I finish that I'm starting The Most Human Human by Brian Christian.


Moonwalking is great.

Just finished "The End of the Suburbs" by Leigh Gallagher. It's highly recommended for anyone interested in real estate, investing, or generally interested in culture.
I havent been able to read a physical book (not counting textbooks for school) ever since getting my ipad.

It shouldnt even be a question as to what ebook reader you should get, the kindle paperwhite is too goat. i'm trying to get one too because the ipad isnt cutting it.

Looking into that now. What am I missing out on if I get the $119 version and not the $189 Paperwhite 3G version? Does that mean I can only read when on WiFi?
Yeah the books download over wifi and are then stored on the device for reading at any time. So getting the 3G version is pretty useless unless you really want to surf the Web with it on the go (Kindle is not good for Web browsing :lol:) or you plan to do a lot of book shopping when you're out.

You'll be good with the wifi version
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Yeah the books download over wifi and are then stored on the device for reading at any time. So getting the 3G version is pretty useless unless you really want to surf the Web with it on the go (Kindle is not good for Web browsing :lol:) or you plan to do a lot of book shopping when you're out.

You'll be good with the wifi version

Yeah, I couldn't care less about surfing the web on it :lol: , I have my phone for that. Book reading is the main purpose. Looks like I'll go with the Paperwhite sometime this week. Thanks for the heads up fellas.

The reason I'm looking into an eReader is simply because in my area BK, I would literally have to either order a book online and wait for shipping, or travel to downtown BK/Manhattan to simply find a bookstore :smh: .
Just got a Kindle Fire for the same price as the Paperwhite :pimp: #ReadyToRead .
got a kindle fire hdx & im reading rich dad poor dad & the 50th law now

& if anybody could recommend me some good books on finance business or real estate id definitely appreciate it
eyyyy brahs


just finished
absolutely loved it
i was lazily skimming through american psycho, and sarte, waiting for them to grab me but they didnt
so i gave this a chance and wow. definitely recommend.
espcially fans of british humor, black comedies, and if this were a movie it'd be a drama-dy (my fav genre!)
for what its worth, friends
just read Prodigy's fiction book, H.N.I.C.

wasnt that great. it was pretty much juice except Q gets a girl @ the end.
just started that gullermo del toro book that he is making into a series called THE STRAIN
its a modern vampire tale its a trilogy im on the first book
should check it out
[COLOR=#red]Currently half way through. Very much recommended, should be done by this weekend. [/COLOR]

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Just finished The 48 Laws of Power. It lives up to the hype; fantastic book. Still undecided on what I'll be reading next. It might be Gladwell's latest book.
Just starting up The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. Heard it was dope, and the beginning has been :pimp:
I'm big into old basketball autobiographies and such. Recently I've read:

Drive by Larry Bird
Dr. J by Julius Erving
When the Garden Was Eden by Harvey Araton
West By West by Jerry West
Loose Balls by Terry Pluto

I just started Pistol by Mark Kriegel, and plan on reading either John Havlicek's autobiography next, or Earl Monroe's :D
The wind up bird chronicle by haruki murakami.

Cant stop.

I hope it has a good ending tho
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Can't get enough Dostoyevsky.

Notes from Underground, Crime and Punishment, Gambler, Idiot, Brothers Karamazov.
Its really good.

I just got to the part where the old dude was telling the story ofhow his friend got skinned alive :wow:

He is a great storyteller
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