NT Computer Experts.....PLEASE HELP

Apr 24, 2006
I am running Windows XP on Sony Vaio PCV-RX860

I STUPIDLY disabled my video card driver. I downloaded an updated driver from the manufacturer (SiS) but forgot to unzip the folder which contained theupdate. And I thought I need to disable my current driver and re-start the computer. I WAS WRONG.
I disabled this by going to desktop, right click, properties, settings, advanced, adapter, propertes, disable

Needless to say, I re-start my computer and I get the message - "Information - Out of Range - 3.5 MHz of 45 KHz" or something like that

So then I put restart in SAFE MODE, using F8
I tried to "Enable VGA Mode"
I tried "Safe Mode with command prompt"
I tried "Start Windows Normally"
I tried "Restart from Last Known configuration that worked normally"

Nothing. Each time it comes back to the same screen that gives me options on how to restart in which mode

So then I went to the BIOS screen using F2 on re-start. I didn't see any setting that could help if I changed it.

So then I put in the Recovery CD hoping to repair the disabled driver.

It reads the CD and then gives me a blank BLUE screen.

Also, the Winkey-R command doesn't work. I was hoping to run a system restore.

I also looked inside the computer and I found that the SiS card is a cell phone sim card-looking thing that is actually part of the mother board. I can'tremove it.

I am lost. I don't know what to do. It just keeps going in a circle to the Safe Mode screen and gives me options on which mode to start - Safe Mode, SafeMode with command prompt, Safe Mode with Networking, Start Windows Normally, etc.

Any ideas?
in bios

change the VGA onboard setting to PCI or AGP depending the card you have
Originally Posted by offbad

in bios

change the VGA onboard setting to PCI or AGP depending the card you have

the only options are "PCI/AGP" or "AGP/PCI"

what should I do after I change the setting? and how do I know what card I have?
you probably have AGP as most older computers do.

change it to AGP/PCI would be my guess then reboot it.

oops sorry wasn't thinking correctly. AGP is the phased out technology
i tried both, nothing changed

it still keeps coming up to the same screen

i can either pick safe mode, safe mode with command, safe mod with networking, restart normally, restart to last known working condition
Out of Range means the resoultion is set too high for the monitor. Try another monitor if you have one. Or you can try setting up remote desktop in safe mode.then remoting into you comp from another comp and lowering the resoulution.
My desktop does the same thing too. It keeps going back to the safe mode screen can't get it to start up. couldn't find any help.
I don't get the OUT OF RANGE error anymore. once I went into safe mode, I never got that screen again
I don't want to do a recovery if I don't have to. cuz i don't want to lose tons of data

any other ideas?
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

I don't get the OUT OF RANGE error anymore. once I went into safe mode, I never got that screen again
I don't want to do a recovery if I don't have to. cuz i don't want to lose tons of data

any other ideas?
Is it possible to pull your video card out? Pulling the card should revert it to on board video and you should be able to work normally.
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

I disabled this by going to desktop, right click, properties, settings, advanced, adapter, propertes, disable
I'm kind of baffled that you didn't just "enable" in Safe Mode.
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