NT Do you drink?

im 20 and i've been drinking since i was in middle school

i drink every weekend..can't wait till i turn 21 in april..im really gonna live it up then
Haven't drank in a while but I do it leisurely compared to you guys who need it or think of it as a must when you go out.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I do I can remain in control. I've never throw up, blacked out, drove drunk, anything stupid.

I can have a few drinks, relax, become more social, have a good time, but I can also cut myself off at some point and be fully functioning.

I use to always refuse alcohol, but I gave it a shot and was able to control myself and realized it's not as evil as I thought. It's just about knowing your limits, in moderation I enjoy it.

Exactly how I feel. I was one of those dudes who said I'd never touch alcohol in my life, but after trying it, it's not bad at all. It loosens meup/makes me more social.

Perfect moderation is better than complete abstinence. If you can control yourself and know your limits.. alcohol isn't bad at all.
I used to not drink. I just started like last year I'm 23 btw. I do maybe once or twice every two weeks not much.
I feel like I am finally getting out of one of the things I loved to do. I guess it is a progression of age cause I haven't been catching buzzes like Iused to and they're making me feel sick if anything.
Originally Posted by secretzofwar

a high tolerance for alcohol is one of the signs of an alcoholic. (im not sayin you are) but if you can go out and have that many drinks and not feel buzzed or anything that you have a very high tolerance. its good that you wanna go out and have a good time and remember it all but dnt assume that because you never get wasted that you arent on your way to be an alcoholic. (which again im not sayin you are)

Some miss info right there...there are TONS of random factors. Like how can my little 120lb girlfriend out drink me at 190lbs consistently? I drank pretty much 3x a week for 3 years and NEVER developed a tolerance, but some would consider that alcoholism. Drink if you want, don't drink if you don't. It's not the worst.

hang your head in shame boy.

My girl is about 120lb or less and im about 190lb give or take, and if she ever drank me under the table I would quit alcohol alltogether. The only time Iever went "No Mas" before my girl was when we were in Hawaii on vacation. I got stupid drunk the night before with my boy while her and my boy'sgirl went back to the hotel early to get to bed. That next night she dominated me, and I was embarrassed. Turned out I had a legitimate excuse as Iwasn't suffering from what I thought was the worst hangover of all time. It was actually appendicitis, for which I ended up in the O.R. less than 48 hourslater.
It does bother that most people feel the need to drink EVERYTIME they go somewhere. I guess I can just assume that any event = alcohol consumption. Drinking is such a get-witted activity man. I think that is one of the things that turns me off about it.

Someone close to me drank heavily and decided to drive others home. I was highly pissed at that person. Which is why i bumped this.

I also hate people that claim they are never drunk. You know those that claim they are never incoherent and downplay their level of drunkenness.

People downplay driving buzzed too. Too damn dangerous, be safe people.
I don't drink or smoke..never have..and never will..i made it this far in my life without either so I say i'm doing pretty good..
I dont drink just smoke, mayb a beer here and there but only to boost up my high I hate the taste
Smoke almost daily. Drink whenever I have a chance to in a social setting where its acceptable (i.e. party, club). If its a football game or sports even straight beer more than likely.
This is my question, at what point does someone drink too much? I think people in college that drink every damn weekend (you know how they do it in school) have a borderline problem. Just poisoning your body on such a regular basis just doesn't make sense to me. Just for the sake of fitting in? SMH

And then so many health conscious folks drink like sailors, I never understood that. You work out all damn week, eat right all damn week just to get totally wasted on the weekends? Come on man. Where is the logic in that
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