Nt do you remember the first book you ever read

May 10, 2006
My first book was the REAL story of the three little pigs where they tell it from the wolfs point of view.
 I guess thats why till this day I always root for the bad guy
My first book was the REAL story of the three little pigs where they tell it from the wolfs point of view.
 I guess thats why till this day I always root for the bad guy
the very first? had to be something out of those scholastic book fairs 

animorphs got me in science fiction
the very first? had to be something out of those scholastic book fairs 

animorphs got me in science fiction
The first one I read by myself with no help was either One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish or Green Eggs & Ham. Moms literally got me like all of the Dr. Seuss books in the 90s.
The first one I read by myself with no help was either One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish or Green Eggs & Ham. Moms literally got me like all of the Dr. Seuss books in the 90s.

- just looked it up , and found out alot of cartoon adaptations are racially controversial*. The original story and the true to-to-original
reprints (like ^^that book) were'nt. Its about tigers who steal a boy's nice new clothes and end up fighting. when they fight though, they
end up turning inot butter and the boy's mom uses it to make pancakes and hlater gets his clothes back and eats a bunch of pancakes.

*the title and blackface should have been telling but i hadn't thought of this book till just now. oh and it was originally set in India.

- just looked it up , and found out alot of cartoon adaptations are racially controversial*. The original story and the true to-to-original
reprints (like ^^that book) were'nt. Its about tigers who steal a boy's nice new clothes and end up fighting. when they fight though, they
end up turning inot butter and the boy's mom uses it to make pancakes and hlater gets his clothes back and eats a bunch of pancakes.

*the title and blackface should have been telling but i hadn't thought of this book till just now. oh and it was originally set in India.
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