To an extent, yes. Going to school, getting a job, working out, eating healthy, etc.

But it would be difficult to convince me that everything we do is for women. When I'm reading a newspaper, I'm doing it for myself, not for a girl.When I'm playing video games, I'm not doing it for punani, etc.
No. I actually like squeezing and sucking (o)'s more than getting ({'})...and of course receiving a little oral sex every now and then
I say no.........like someone said depends on the guy. Job? Some people actually like what they do, they didn't do it to impress women or just for money.Clothes, many people like clothes/fashion. Cars?! Who doesn't like cars......that's just for women? Nah. Image/looks....take some pride in yourself,even if your ugly be a fresh ugly. Women? Gym? Workout because of the many benefits not women.
It is true but for me personally personal gratification, fulfillment and success are my only motivations.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I disagree. Alot of the stuff I do is for me, and me only.
Originally Posted by awwsome

I actually want to be rich so my family can be straight for generations

%@$# a broad.
This, my family has been slaving themselves for countless generations and I want to make enough money to be able to change that. At the same timethough it doesn't hurt to have nice things to impress the females, although the ones you impress may not always be the ones that you want.
i don't box for the ladies. i do it cause it has been my dream for the longest and a fringe benefit is my kids will have an interesting thing to shareabout their dad. if anything boxing repulses most of the women i talk to.
As a first born child, I have to say you hold false beliefs, sir.

I do the things I do because subconsciously, I am trying to win my parents' approval. I strive to achieve because that is what they have drilled into myhead as far back as I can remember. Contra most of my friends/peers, with whom I never even talk to about the "things I do in life"

So yeah, I hunt to bring home the kill and present it to the 'rents.
Yes and no. I'm selfish as hell. Ill make her drive, pull out my chair, order first, pay for dinner, rinse and repeat.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

I dont feel that way.

I feel that we do most of the things we do in order to portray a sense of dominance over other males and to be the alpha male.

Think about it....

But i do believe we do stuff for women also... to a small extent though
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

By {()}, I mean women. I think so, if you really think about it, its why we dress nice, get money,put 4's on the whip, etc. I'm not saying its done straight for {()}, more like indirectly.

Opinion on the matter?

And yes, the JZ and R. Kelly song is the inspiration for this...
Sorry man, we dont all live in the "dirty south" where we throw some 24's on a Regal and call it a "Box"
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