NT = Greatest Forum in the Effing Worl

Jul 3, 2009
Don't you agree?

I've browsed others before and they just don't have it. They suck!
NT is

i wish i could say @#*@ and @#@*@#@#&$@ and @$@#$@$@*@#&$#
but other than that i like it
I've been here a while now and I've joined a few other boards over the years - but this is the only one I've stuck with. All the others haveirritated me after a while so I've quit. It just has something that keeps me interested that others don't.
Originally Posted by kdawg

I've been here a while now and I've joined a few other boards over the years - but this is the only one I've stuck with. All the others have irritated me after a while so I've quit. It just has something that keeps me interested that others don't.
personally, i think NT is BOMB, but i wish i could find threads to roast people and type cuss words...no offense to anyone though.
Originally Posted by C2345air

Too many rules.
You rarely post. The rules aren't that bad at all. They are needed more than the users think.

Anyways, IMO this is def. one of the top forums on the Internet, hands down.
Originally Posted by C2345air

Too many rules.

I disagree (and im one of the biggest complainers after music forum crackdown,,,you still a sucka niketalker23 for that) but outside of the Youtube vids notbeing allowed to be posted do to some sort of fridgement laws, and cussing in vids, this place is great. They say its a place for all ages, and they stickin tothat. I understand and appreciate that cause i do a lot of posting at work where if without the rules of questionable sexual pics being posted, not only wouldi be duckin my bosses, but also the kids i work with. i wouldnt want to do that. so i understand and appreciate that. I do wish we could have vids wit cussingin it as long as theres a warning.

O well, I love this place.
the only fourm of the many ive joined that ive visited faithfully over the years
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