NT Hacked??

Are there legit no mods online?how those movie threads been up in the nike section since 1130? 24 pages of gemini man links :lol:

They hacked all the mod’s accounts :lol:

The forum wasn't hacked - we just had a bunch of registrations from spam accounts today. This is the danger any platform faces that allows for real time posting. At one point, each of you signed up for an account and started making posts. These are just users who've abused that access to post spam.

We have systems set up to prevent this, and usually they work quite well, but there was apparently a gap in the screening process that some spammers registering today managed to exploit and we needed to identify the problem before wiping all those accounts.

I believe the vulnerability has been addressed, but please do let us know if you come across anything else.

I apologize for the inconvenience.
Change ya passwords. I wouldnt trust a random spam account bombardment as an excuse.

Keep paying ya $20, though.
You saw the accounts yourself. Were they using established user accounts, or brand new accounts registered today?

If they were using established user accounts, it would be a hacking issue. If they were using new accounts, it's a screening issue.

It was the latter.

That said, it's good practice to avoid using the same password on multiple sites anyway. So if you used the same email address and password here as you did on StockX, that would be a vulnerability that wouldn't require our systems to be compromised.
Anyways ..

So we're getting the answer as some 10-20 accounts got created today and posted 30 pages worth of "free movie link" threads non stop for a few hours?

Appreciation threads getting pics sniped within 20 min of being posted - if not the whole thread getting nuked
Yes, that's essentially what happened. There was a configuration issue in the systems that we've established to help us screen out spam. The issue was identified and appears to have been resolved.

So what you saw was a bunch of new users making posts. We have a small team. If you think of today's spam attacks like a leak in the hull of a boat, our moderators tried their best to bail as much water as possible as quickly as possible, but the leak itself had to be sealed to adequately resolve the issue.

The spammers are still actively trying to attack the site as we speak, but the team's fix is holding. I appreciate everyone's patience.

Would this have happened on the last version of NT?

but we got emojis....cool cool
It's happened on literally every version of NT.

Every user account that can add content to the site in real time can hypothetically spam the site. How do you solve that problem?

How much spam have you seen on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? These are sites that could (and in some cases do) throw a small country's GDP at the problem.

You see it here for three hours and suddenly we're miserable failures.... cool cool.
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