NT, How do I losen up a boring/stuck up/shy/quiet chick?

Originally Posted by bilingue23

alcohol works every time

You need to seriously step your game up if that's your answer to all socially related problems.

It's just not a good look when you're only excuse for not talkin' to a girl is because you haven't had enough liquid courage or she ain'tdrunk enough to make you comfortable around her.
You have to work for it. If you want to have sex with a girl with a brain you have to put in that work without getting into the friend-zone.

Trial & Error worked for me. I would say I got lucky more than I failed but with failing I learned. I think a lot of men fail with girls in College until they get their swag right whether it be self confidence or self aware. Girls know who the confident ones from the weak ones. A lot of girls are self conscious so the last thing they need is someone who is ALSO self conscious.

I've skipped classes, cooked, painted, attended a punk rock concerts, did all kinds of things out of my norm to comfort the interests of different girls for the sake of keeping warm in my College dorm imageimageimageimage.

This is good advice. Best advice I've seen from anyone on this board on this subject... I'm seeing a lot of whatthehell.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Nktran001

I just tell them they look yummy.

Honest to goodness, that works all the time for me.

First it's a giggle, then she be like.. "So what's your name?
That probably just means you're good looking

Ain't no girl having that reaction if you're ugly

They'd be like
LMAO Exactly. He must be hot...or charming otherwise.
Self Confidence is the Key to Success. Just be strong & confident around girls. You don't need swag, but a sense of purpose and determination.Don't spit any lines because they never work on a self respecting girl.
Something of worth never comes easy
Originally Posted by GhostWriter

Self Confidence is the Key to Success. Just be strong & confident around girls. You don't need swag, but a sense of purpose and determination. Don't spit any lines because they never work on a self respecting girl.
Something of worth never comes easy
Yup. One of my biggest pet peeves is lines & empty compliments.
Very annoying and a huge turnoff.
Spocker...star trek... I get it now hahahaha

She's not interested brah. If she was she'd have no problem making conversation.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by GhostWriter

Self Confidence is the Key to Success. Just be strong & confident around girls. You don't need swag, but a sense of purpose and determination. Don't spit any lines because they never work on a self respecting girl.
Something of worth never comes easy
Yup. One of my biggest pet peeves is lines & empty compliments.
Very annoying and a huge turnoff.

Yeah lines never work. Just approach with confindence and a smile on your face. Alot of us guys don't know how powerful a smile is.
Ghenges wrote:

She's not interested brah. If she was she'd have no problem making conversation.
Also the most important lesson of the day. lol

Sometimes, people are 'just not that into you'.
females all have insecurities about something. spot those out.

read nonverbal communication

i wouldnt even talk to the center of attention because 1). she's been gassed, 2.) she's too focused on attention. the conservatively dress female with1 friend is the best bet.

you'd be shocked @ what sarcasm and open ended questions will do for you
I've had people give me the "I thought you were boring/stuck up/shy/quiet before I really knew you" and I think I'm worth of wanting. Now ifshe continues to act that way then it's a problem, but if it's the girl who is perceived to be stuck up just because she doesn't talk to too manypeople then she might be worth investigating. The number one reason people give me behind their false perceptions is because I just didn't date too manyguys or surround myself with a large group of people even though I could have.

And lines do work. You just have to know how to use them. Most of you guys don't know how to use them
Damn I hate a shy #**$%
Don't you hate a shy #**$%?
Yeah I ate a shy #**$%
She ain't shy no more, she changed her name to my #**$%
Yeah _ thats my #**$%!
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

females all have insecurities about something. spot those out.

read nonverbal communication

i wouldnt even talk to the center of attention because 1). she's been gassed, 2.) she's too focused on attention. the conservatively dress female with 1 friend is the best bet.

you'd be shocked @ what sarcasm and open ended questions will do for you
Spot them out and do what? Is that advice for a man seeking a girl or for a predator trying to trap a timid animal?
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

females all have insecurities about something. spot those out.

read nonverbal communication

i wouldnt even talk to the center of attention because 1). she's been gassed, 2.) she's too focused on attention. the conservatively dress female with 1 friend is the best bet.

you'd be shocked @ what sarcasm and open ended questions will do for you
Spot them out and do what? Is that advice for a man seeking a girl or for a predator trying to trap a timid animal?

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

females all have insecurities about something. spot those out.

read nonverbal communication

i wouldnt even talk to the center of attention because 1). she's been gassed, 2.) she's too focused on attention. the conservatively dress female with 1 friend is the best bet.

you'd be shocked @ what sarcasm and open ended questions will do for you
Spot them out and do what? Is that advice for a man seeking a girl or for a predator trying to trap a timid animal?
that's a part of beast mode... stalk your prey, then go in for the kill...

j/k but reallydoe, get them talking about themselves. ask them questions, then when they answer them, ask them another question about what they just said, andask how it made them feel. women love to talk about themselves, so if you can get that out, they'll feel more comfortable with you, and think you're agreat conversationalist, even though they probably don't really know anything about you...
Yeah. Every woman is looking for a good beast.

get them talking about themselves. ask them questions, then when they answer them, ask them another question about what they just said, and ask how it made them feel. women love to talk about themselves,

What are we talking? Do you mean for a girl you just met? Like, you walk up to her and start asking her a bunch of questions? Or do you already know her andare trying to get to know her better?

Either way, I see a big flaw in that, if the girl is shy/quiet ...maybe she doesn't WANT to talk about herself.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

I just tell them they look yummy.

Honest to goodness, that works all the time for me.

First it's a giggle, then she be like.. "So what's your name?
Swag must be on point to do that.
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