NT, How much music do you have in your Itunes?

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Originally Posted by 10eazye

178...I don't see why people have ridiculous amounts of music...I mean it's not like you can listen to every one a day...or so on.
That makes no sense. Your logic baffles me.
Baffling indeed.
Like 7000, Ima DJ tho. Anybody got any clean music, I'm doing a radio show and need some? I'll give them whatever.
Like 55 gigs. Zok, thats something serious man
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Wow, 14000 songs must have cost you a lot of money.

A lot of people here have a lot of music. How could the music business be doing down south?


No one else thought this was funny?
Originally Posted by 10eazye

178...I don't see why people have ridiculous amounts of music...I mean it's not like you can listen to every one a day...or so on.

But after a while aren't you gonna get tired of listening to the same song over and over again? You might as well listen to the radio then.
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