{~~~NT, I got to talk to somebody about it.....Girl Problems~~~}

17 is legal in florida if your under like 24.
Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

How does she answer the question "do you like me?" with "what the heck, why not?" Is she brick Mortenson or something? I'm 16 so lemme see some pics. PM me if necessary! Kthxbye
nah she tells me she likes me and i explain to her how i feel about it, so then i'm iight lets get it going and then that's the answer iget. (and dude if i honestly had pic's i'd set u up but i never had a pic of her, she's not the camera type)

and no to that guy who said I can't take hints because she said "there's one dude i had my eye on going out with, and that's you".

but to those who helped out i appreciate it, don't get it twisted im not worried about chicks but that one hit me due to the fact that was my friend.
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