NT I Need Your Help vol. Another Girl Thread

Originally Posted by howyouwhat

My bad bros, ran to the store to grab them some ice cream so I haven't been able to post much from my phone.

But anyway, like I know what I have to do but I just don't want to ruin something that could potentially be great. Like, I really love this girl and I could easily see her being apart of my future but I just can't take it anymore. I feel like this might just be a rough patch so I don't want to give up on us too quickly.

Wait... So you stopped and dropped everything you were doing to go grab THEM some ice cream? The both of them?

And you said you loved her? After only being with her a month?

Oh man she playing you son! They in your house, sleeping in your bed getting smashed by Tyrone, while you sleep on the couch and work to pay for their share of rent, their food, her mom's mortgage and their ice cream.
If this story is true (which I doubt) you're just an idiot and no amount of advice from NT can save you
You need to pull her aside and lay down the law.  Her friend either has to get a job, agree to a threesome every night, or get out.  Your girl has to get a job if she wants to pay for her mom's mortgage.  And you're skipping the 1 month anniversary.  Dude, you need to talk to her and let her know because maxing out 8 credit cards is a big deal.  She may end up leaving you, but your credit score is gonna be rolling with you till the wheels fall off.  Good luck, and can we at least get a picture of the friend? 
OP, I know your girl, any chance you can cop me a pair of Yeezys? I'll try to pay you back.
son troll game is on 300, said he ran to the store to grab them some ice cream though 
From the Yeezy thread: 
He refunded me back my 1800 so I'm good. 

A lot of assumptions being made here. Just because dropping 1k will keep you from paying bills and loans, doesn't mean that's the case for everyone. Some of us have well paying jobs and everything taken care so paying 1k is going to hurt us.
And yet now you're broke and you've maxed out eight credit cards? 

Go take your tired act to the ISS or BB forums "brah."  
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