NT, Im in court right now! Vol. Speed traps FTL UPDATE

im bout to head into the hearing. wish me luck guys....... updates after the sentencing. 
u got caught in the old dub sack, its true there aint %!%$ over there. smh. i watch my back on these roads but 99 in a 75 though?
I got caught doing 90 in a 55 in PA and the ticket was less than $190. Here anything more than 30 mph over the limit is a 15 day suspension but the state trooper knocked it down to 84.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Pull a Larenz Tate in "Dead Presidents" in the court scene.
+%%$ YOU MEAN $875? AFTER ALL THE @#@% I DID FOR THIS COUNTRY!!  +%%$ YOU MEAN $875?!!?

yeah aight... They gon give yo %$* 25 to afterlife in that thang
i got caught doing 84 in a 40... you should have gotten a lawyer since its ur first ticket that 875 wouldve been reduced although after the lawyer fees it would prob be the same thing but the key here isnt the money but is keeping ur license...
The real question should be #*# were you able to sneak your cell phone into the court house?
Originally Posted by Crumbs

i got caught doing 84 in a 40... you should have gotten a lawyer since its ur first ticket that 875 wouldve been reduced although after the lawyer fees it would prob be the same thing but the key here isnt the money but is keeping ur license...

Damn son
damn 875?????

my friend did 90 on 65 and only got a ticket for $166

damn i wish the speed limit was 75 here that is crazy
A year of probation? What's the penalty for violating it?

Man, if I had the money I would just pay off the full fine rather than be on good behavior for an entire year. OP, you bet' not get caught speeding again.
dam $875 screw that non sense!
and either way a year of probation wth lol were you shoplifting while you were speeding o what??
stupid but either way i guess slow down next time
Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

They reduced my fine to $265 and gave me a year of probation! 
 Thats pretty messed up but it could have been worse i guess.......but then again it could have been waaaaaay better too.
A year of probation? A year of +#%%#%% PROBATION!!!?
FOR WHAT!? You werent drinking and driving right? Then for WHAT? And on your 1st +#%%#%% ticket? Are you leaving something out of your story?

Why would you take that man? What are your conditions? not get any traffic tickets? 

Damn man... No turning back now... you better drive good man... cause if they find out you got a couple more tickets and %%+% , they could try to lock you up (even its for like a weekend) for that cause it would be a NEW offense and a Probation violation

im not trying to strike fear in you at all cause i think wat they try to offer you was BS (going off your story) but man... some POs are %#!+%+@%.. im sure your on administrative probation b (not having to be in contact w/ ur PO) but still that %%+% can change.. Just drive defensively for a year man .. 
My friend got caught doing 123 in a 55 a couple years ago
Somehow he ended up only having to pay a fine. No suspended license or anything.
My friend got caught doing 123 in a 55 a couple years ago
Somehow he ended up only having to pay a fine. No suspended license or anything.
i doubt its the probation everyone thinks.

i believe its driving probation, where as if he gets another moving violation he can lose his license, not thrown in jail
. thats how it goes in VA.

or i could be wrong about this, and thats just another reason for me to never want to live in Georgia.
you definetely should have hired a lawyer. your penalty sounds harsh for your first speeding ticket.

I got a speeding ticket (61 in a 30) 4 days after I got my license. 2 month suspension and like a $150 fine
Want to hear something worse?

4 years ago I get caught doing 101 in a 55. I know it's bad, but it was late at night coming back to Chicago and it was empty. I was the only one on the road so the only idiot at risk was myself. I know I was going too fast, but what happened at the courthouse got me steamed.

Apparently the got like 100 people that day for speeding through a workzone and this is with Illinois' new hardcore laws on that stuff. The judge was handing out 475 and a year probation like candy. I was prepared to take the L. Then I come up and he asks about my lawyer. I said I had none and he gives me the "It's over 100! I can throw you in jail for a year!"

I stated my case and got tagged for $1,070 and a year probation. So I can speed a little and almost kill a worker and get half the punishment vs endangering just my own stupid self.
They treat speeders worse than all the other "criminal types"... DWI or DUI, most are out within a day and just fight a backlogged system. Robbery, assault, battery, manslaughter, hit and runs can be given less than a years probation... crazy

Bottom line, never commit crimes in small towns. They got nothing better to do, work to the Jena 6
Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

Suddenly another nosey #%^ cop was in the room and said he could contact the officer, then immediately called him on the phone. he then told the judge that the ticketing officer was at the station which was only 4 miles away and if i wanted to proceed with the trial they could call him in, otherwise i had to take the plea bargain. 
 i had to take the plea bargain.
You got got my man. The worst that coulda happened was the cop does show up... and then what? They give you your $934513142 ticket and 1 year probation(
) and you will be on your way. Like you said you live 2 hours away, even if you got embarrassed its not like you will see these people again. 
What is this probation yall are getting with these speeding tickets
We don't get probation for speeding tickets in Cali
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