NT need help CAR PRANK!!!

Originally Posted by icykicks79

This is what i did:

My cousin came over to my cousins house and when he went in the house like an hour later me and one of my cousins went outside and teepid his car with toilet paper... then when he went out went out the backdoor and hid behind the a white van, but my stupid cousin couldnt keep his mouth shut from laughing.. so he herd people behind the van and he got scared and start running back to the house.. hes kinda chubby so it was funny how he ran.. lolll

wow, that story was so funny it made me not laugh.
No lie about a week ago, one of my friend's took a gigantic dump and thought it would be funny to throw it on one of my other friend's windshield.

The other kid hasn't come to school since.
i used to work at a steel mill and once and this dude said it was impossible to prank him , something about he had the awareness of a ninja, he really saidthis. i found a couple of old porno mags and one was even a gay mag
there were alot of characters @ that place. i went out before our shift ended and taped the whole passenger side of the car with pics. when he came in the nextday he showed us the warning he recieved from a state trooper. he said people were giving him the finger , cursing at him
. he said the trooper found it pretty funny when he explained that we probablygot him. there were some pretty filthy pics on that car, especially the gay ones
haha i think the "sorry i hit your car" prank is probably the easiest and most effective and least time consuming. i think i'm gonna do this toAHOLE drivers that don't consider for others when they park like a douschebag on the streets.

this is one picture for some reason the others wont upload we got this far before our look out told us she was coming also the whole hood is covered
Take off her license plate. Tryna catch me riiiiiiiiidin' dirtyyyyyy
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