NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1

Got to my goal weight of 195... Started at 216 in January... Im about 6'4 tho.. Abs are in nicely, think its time to bulk up
1200 calories? 

Must be a really late april fools joke

If not....

Jokes on you pal
Just had a double workout since I missed it weds. My diet has been a lot better this week, eating less garbage. 

Everybody keep up the good work and keep progress toward our goals 
cutting absolutely sucks but recomp is just so slow in terms of visible progress. might as well do some anabolics if you wanna cut fat and build muscle.
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I think that will do you good. I'm no scientist, but I've heard that more then a few drastic cuts and bulks can be pretty bad for you.

I've been eating very close to maintenance for a while and seeing pretty good results.

IMO it's better to do things slow and steady and gradual, then to try and do things quickly.

Like when a person needs to lose a lot of weight, when they do it really quickly they get that saggy loose skin, if they wen slower and did things in a more gradual manner, they'd probably not have gotten that or if they did it's be minimized.
cutting absolutely sucks but recomp is just so slow in terms of visible progress. might as well do some anabolics if you wanna cut fat and build muscle.

I honestly feel these fake nattys ruin a lot of our mindsets. Like dudes aim for that super dry and hard yet massive look which just simply isn't attainable naturally. Shirtless I look like a WWF Cat, decent mass but my BF% isn't low. My girl loves my body and being super shredded adds zero functionality to my life lol. As I've always said I just want ppl to think I play in the NFL. Good mass but not freakishly NPC/IFBB big. I'm starting to think I'm at a point where I'm reevaluating fitness goals.
Cant eemm go a full week without eating clean. Cutting is the worst lmao

Imma try again sunday night after easter dinner where ill eat like a savage.
I honestly feel these fake nattys ruin a lot of our mindsets. Like dudes aim for that super dry and hard yet massive look which just simply isn't attainable naturally. Shirtless I look like a WWF Cat, decent mass but my BF% isn't low. My girl loves my body and being super shredded adds zero functionality to my life lol. As I've always said I just want ppl to think I play in the NFL. Good mass but not freakishly NPC/IFBB big. I'm starting to think I'm at a point where I'm reevaluating fitness goals.

Its true.
I honestly feel these fake nattys ruin a lot of our mindsets. Like dudes aim for that super dry and hard yet massive look which just simply isn't attainable naturally. Shirtless I look like a WWF Cat, decent mass but my BF% isn't low. My girl loves my body and being super shredded adds zero functionality to my life lol. As I've always said I just want ppl to think I play in the NFL. Good mass but not freakishly NPC/IFBB big. I'm starting to think I'm at a point where I'm reevaluating fitness goals.
For real brah

Looking like you lift and being really lean is hard if your natural. I have zero desire to ever be under 10-12 BF, on top of the fact my body type isn't built for it.
Cant eemm go a full week without eating clean. Cutting is the worst lmao

Imma try again sunday night after easter dinner where ill eat like a savage.

Lol I went about a month lost about 20 (8-9lb of water) and then idk what happened. In the gym I'm bigger and look better than most of the young natty guys around my age, especially at 6'3 I'm pretty big, only dudes that really are bigger than me and lean are the juiced dudes that actually compete.
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