NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1

Urbetterthanme- shut up

Lucky- keep grindin, pleighboi-- we see you

Audi- post ur pic brah we been waitin for a photo of tha gawd

- n all the rest of u cats takin shots at lack of cardio u only get half a post


i posted a pic like a week an a half 2 weeks ago...........go back a few pages

sneakerpro you can def have stamina from anerobic work
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I fell off so hard. I gotta stop being lazy
I am currently doing the 5 X 5 routine but my gym only has one cage. So if I substitute dumbbell press for flat bench is that cool or does it not count.
I am currently doing the 5 X 5 routine but my gym only has one cage. So if I substitute dumbbell press for flat bench is that cool or does it not count.
Not really if your training for strength, which is what 5x5 is for, because flat BB bench is a compound movement.
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( guy in picture is griffin datcher 6'4" 265lbs)

Lucky in a few years

Lol I'm 6'3 250 and I'm barely bigger than Jeff Seid (never seen him in person so pics could be lying), my arms were 17.5 when I measured buy I assume they would drop to like 16.5-17 as I lean out

you're bigger than seid. dude is hella misleading in pics. he's small as hell. and a terrible chest. i was shocked when i met dude. most of those guys are a lot smaller up close. christian guzman, lavado, ogus, all small.
Yea def can agree. I was surprised seeing how small a lot of the "famous" guys up close when I went to the Arnold this year. Some ppl just walking around were bigger
So all those years of running in basketball practice my coach had it wrong?

Sorry guys I can't buy that.
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you're bigger than seid. dude is hella misleading in pics. he's small as hell. and a terrible chest. i was shocked when i met dude. most of those guys are a lot smaller up close. christian guzman, lavado, ogus, all small.
For real, Lavado doesn't even look like he lifts, dude cuts into the 150s for shows I believe. CG is like 6 foot 165 right now so you know he's not big lol
you're bigger than seid. dude is hella misleading in pics. he's small as hell. and a terrible chest. i was shocked when i met dude. most of those guys are a lot smaller up close. christian guzman, lavado, ogus, all small.

True like people get shocked when I say I'm 250, I guess cause I'm natty and Swole fat I don't look like a weigh that much. I'm guessing 220 will be my sweet spot just gotta quit BSing with the diet. Only dudes bigger than me at all of the LA fitness I go to in atlanta are former pros/current competitors. Not even bragging but I always catch dudes mirin and when I work out with my girl she says dudes are always staring. I don't see myself hopping on real deal juice till maybe my late 30s when my test starts to drop like crazy and I've already had kids.
What are ur lifting stats @ 250

I workout solo so I haven't done a max out at failure

Incline bench 110 dumbbells x6 , barbell I use 230 for working sets (190x6,215x6,230x6,230x6)

Most I've done on deadlifts was like 425x3

Squats i do 5x5 typically do 225,275,325,375,410

If I never stopped bulking I knows lifts would be higher
Arnold press I do 90s or 85s depending how I feel going into the workout

Standing military press most I've done for reps was 165 but I lowered weight in that so I could go heavier on my Arnold press , I could probably 1rep max like 185
Appreciate it y'all.

I'm wild frail so I just wanna put on weight with what I got at home.
My routine, posted it on bb.com figured I'd do it here to for thoughts.

days I life SunMonTueThrFri, Sat and Sun are off days.
Monday and Fri are leg days
Other days are two upper body workouts rotating with A and B days
A = Chest/Back
B= Shoulders/Biceps/Traps

Lower the reps heavier the weight
Incline Bench (BB or DB) 4 sets 6 reps
Decline Bench Hammer Strength machine 4 x 8
Cable Chest press (One arm at a time) 4x10
Chest FLys 4x12
BB Rows 4x12
1 arm ROws 4x10
Overhead pulldown 4x8
close grip lat pull down 4x6

Seated Arnold Press 4x6
standing military press 4x8
Side db raise 4x10
rear delt flys 4x12
Wide grip curls 4x8
Close grip curls 4x8
Third random curl workout 4x8
Shrugs 4X8

Squats 5x5
Legpress 2 sets close legs X 10 2 sets legs far apart X10
Stiff leg DL 4X8
Seated leg raise (very light weight not full range of motion) 4X30
seated Calf raises 4X60

So my schedule looks like

Thoughts? anything you would change? I`m cutting if it matters.
Damn that hurts the feels I'm
6'3 at 178 :rolleyes

I was at 197 6 months ago tho. So I cut off a lot of fat.

This lean bulk I'm doing now is hard as hell. I don't want to add too much fat before the summer so I'm being super cautious.
But dem gainz take a long *** time when you're doing a slow bulk :smh:
Damn that hurts the feels I'm
6'3 at 178 :rolleyes

I was at 197 6 months ago tho. So I cut off a lot of fat.

This lean bulk I'm doing now is hard as hell. I don't want to add too much fat before the summer so I'm being super cautious.
But dem gainz take a long *** time when you're doing a slow bulk :smh:

LOL, you probably don't have much muscle mass or abs may not be a strong point genetically. 6'0 200 lbs isn't really thick, depending on your shoulders you can probably wear Medium shirts comfortably. at 230 I was in L shirts and a sz 34 waist, Now I can still wear L shirts but they are tighter since my back is much wider.
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