NT, post the creepiest pictures you've seen on the interwebz

^^ soooooo would you take a shotgun to those? i would. yo f that.damn takin a picture, it would been instant war.
^^ soooooo would you take a shotgun to those? i would. yo f that.damn takin a picture, it would been instant war.

Stop with all these damn spider pictures!!!

Lol I'm in my room paranoid about seeing one of these spiders in my room.
Stop with all these damn spider pictures!!!

Lol I'm in my room paranoid about seeing one of these spiders in my room.
Originally Posted by Ginzo

Originally Posted by Capo617

For all you pansies....
I HAAATE that !@#$% pic man
. Everytime I see it my skin crawls and I starts to itch.1st time I saw it I couldn't get it out of my head for days. All of you guys know that people don't want to see it so why the $*@! would you even post it? To get some cheap thrill out of creeping people out?
. The hells wrong with you?

*Reported and hope you get banned for that.
Originally Posted by Ginzo

Originally Posted by Capo617

For all you pansies....
I HAAATE that !@#$% pic man
. Everytime I see it my skin crawls and I starts to itch.1st time I saw it I couldn't get it out of my head for days. All of you guys know that people don't want to see it so why the $*@! would you even post it? To get some cheap thrill out of creeping people out?
. The hells wrong with you?

*Reported and hope you get banned for that.
I'd probably get an axe can and a lighter and see the results
do spiders scream make noises when dying or in pain
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