[ NT Post Your TOP 3 Breakfast Cereal. VOL. " Got to have my bowl, Got to have cereal " ]

1) Honey Nut Cheerios
2) Rice Crispies (sprinkled with sugar)
3) dont really have a 3rd, but if I had to choose Id say fruity pebbles.
1) Honey Nut Cheerios
2) Rice Crispies (sprinkled with sugar)
3) dont really have a 3rd, but if I had to choose Id say fruity pebbles.
Originally Posted by Dynamic X


But how come no one got love for Golden Grahams.
Fruity Pebbles
Waffle Crisp
Captain Crunch with crunch berries

Honorable mentions -

Oreo O's
Recce's puffs
Fruity Pebbles
Waffle Crisp
Captain Crunch with crunch berries

Honorable mentions -

Oreo O's
Recce's puffs
Rice Krispies
Raisin Bran
Cinnamon Toast Crunch

I saw these while shopping,but I didn't buy them yet...Has anyone tried them?

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