NT this is a scam right?

Jun 8, 2006
I was browsing Craigslist and I found an ad where you can make about two to three hundred extra dollars a week. So I emailed the person and she told me tocreate an Amazon Sellers Account. The job is to relist the auctions that she had and didnt sell. I created a sellers account, put in my credit card info, bankinfo.

But now she wants the password of my sellers account so that:

Thats fine thats one of the functions I need you to perform, however, I need to see exactly what money is being transferred, what emails are coming in, how much postage you are using, etc. I'll wait until you start selling for you to provide me with the information though.
I dont plan on giving it to her but just for future reference this %%%!% was trying to take my info pretty much right?
I was browsing Craigslist and I found an ad where you can make about two to three hundred extra dollars a week.

Originally Posted by daffy 016

Yeah I did It... I cant wait to get my first paycheck...
Yo son...can I use your bank account to "direct deposit" my checks?...PM me your account number...
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