nt what do you consider "wealthy?"

to all the people saying that rich=wealthy, I looked it up on dictionary.com, They mean basically the same thing, but they are not the same.
For instance, Ron Artest is rich, he earned a lot of money in his NBA career so far. He had some pretty bad investments though, (rap album anyone?)
Where as Michael Jordan is wealthy, his name and investments are making him money AFTER his playing days/career finished. His name is making himmoney.
His brand is making him money. His investments are making him money (Wizards, Bobcats). What will Ron Artest do AFTER his career is done? We already know whatJordan is doing, Shaq is another player near Jordan's caliber of fame/recognizability. Shaq can put his name on something and he will have instantcustomers because of name recognition.
Do people want to buy into something that Ron Artest endorses after he has retired from the NBA? (I'm not picking on Artest, I'm using him as anexample) The guy that I can compare him to now is Dennis Rodman. What has he done? Is he rich or wealthy? what will Artest be 10 years from now?
wealthy to me is when that specific person doesnt have to worry about money...
how much that is? depends on the person and how much money means to them
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

wealthy is when all of the world leaders and their treasuries ask you for a "bail out plan"....
*checks you avy*

You just had to be one of us to make this kind of comment
I consider wealth to be dependent on ones location for example if you are living in Louisiana, and your net worth is 2 million dollars, you are wealthy as thecost of living is so cheap. As far as a concrete number there are so many variables, but I will consider the fact that most on NT have no obligations such aschildren family ect......I am pretty sure 5 million no matter where you live is wealthy.
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