NT, when was the last time you legitimately cried?

When my uncle passed back in august. I was doing alright at the funeral but then i was at work just chilling and i kinda broke down.
When my uncle passed back in august. I was doing alright at the funeral but then i was at work just chilling and i kinda broke down.
Last year was the a roller coaster for me, girl broke it off and my dog passing away. it took me a long while to get it together but hey it didn't kill me
Last year was the a roller coaster for me, girl broke it off and my dog passing away. it took me a long while to get it together but hey it didn't kill me
"Whatever does not kill us, only makes us stronger." 
Originally Posted by nike4KJA05

When my homie passed away along with both of his parents in a car accident last year. It was the morning of our Senior Prom too 
Never seen so many of my boys cry at one time. Prom was definitely bittersweet for all of us. That following monday was the hardest day I'll ever face in school.

RIP my dude, I need to visit you asap.

  One of saddest stories I've read on NT because I can relate, seeing a lot of my homies cry at once.

My grandmother passed last May. Seeing my mother just ballin,  begging me to get her the first flight back home was...smh.  
Originally Posted by nike4KJA05

When my homie passed away along with both of his parents in a car accident last year. It was the morning of our Senior Prom too 
Never seen so many of my boys cry at one time. Prom was definitely bittersweet for all of us. That following monday was the hardest day I'll ever face in school.

RIP my dude, I need to visit you asap.

  One of saddest stories I've read on NT because I can relate, seeing a lot of my homies cry at once.

My grandmother passed last May. Seeing my mother just ballin,  begging me to get her the first flight back home was...smh.  
Originally Posted by nike4KJA05

When my homie passed away along with both of his parents in a car accident last year. It was the morning of our Senior Prom too 
Never seen so many of my boys cry at one time. Prom was definitely bittersweet for all of us. That following monday was the hardest day I'll ever face in school.

RIP my dude, I need to visit you asap.

damn near identical wit my friend Freddy. He died (along with his mother) leaving a friends house on his way home to get ready for prom. At prom We all knew he was in a serious accident, but no one knew anything. was named prom king. got a call at 5am sayin he was dead. had a vigil at the park at 11 or so...kinda tearin up now. but hearin the news his mom was brain dead and would also go onto pass that night. I dont know how his brother did it but that dude was so strong. He was in the car with them and was uninjured....


4 more friends went onto pass in the next year and a half. smh God Bless them all.
Originally Posted by nike4KJA05

When my homie passed away along with both of his parents in a car accident last year. It was the morning of our Senior Prom too 
Never seen so many of my boys cry at one time. Prom was definitely bittersweet for all of us. That following monday was the hardest day I'll ever face in school.

RIP my dude, I need to visit you asap.

damn near identical wit my friend Freddy. He died (along with his mother) leaving a friends house on his way home to get ready for prom. At prom We all knew he was in a serious accident, but no one knew anything. was named prom king. got a call at 5am sayin he was dead. had a vigil at the park at 11 or so...kinda tearin up now. but hearin the news his mom was brain dead and would also go onto pass that night. I dont know how his brother did it but that dude was so strong. He was in the car with them and was uninjured....


4 more friends went onto pass in the next year and a half. smh God Bless them all.
at the time, pops wasn't man enough... so he left a v-mail explaining that he cheated on my moms (as I had suspected), and he was sorry for breaking up the family...
hearing your role model admit fault....
at the time, pops wasn't man enough... so he left a v-mail explaining that he cheated on my moms (as I had suspected), and he was sorry for breaking up the family...
hearing your role model admit fault....
Tear or two:

Like two days ago when I was reading a photo article on a kid dying from reddit

2 weeks ago watching glee lol.

Burst out in tears:

Almost exactly a year ago at my uncle figure's (really my cousin) funeral
Tear or two:

Like two days ago when I was reading a photo article on a kid dying from reddit

2 weeks ago watching glee lol.

Burst out in tears:

Almost exactly a year ago at my uncle figure's (really my cousin) funeral
About 10 minutes ago.
-Lost my job on September 2nd. I've put in about 40 applications but no one is hiring

-All my savings are gone. Got a tuition payment due next week and have no way of paying it
-Stuck in a CC. Don't know if I'll ever be able to transfer to a university. At this point, I'm ready to say #%%! school.
-had a girl over summer. Thought we were going to be together for a while. She broke up with me last Tuesday (my birthday). That was cold

I'd have to say I've had a rough 2010 so far. #$#$ sucks. Life sucks. I just can't win it seems
About 10 minutes ago.
-Lost my job on September 2nd. I've put in about 40 applications but no one is hiring

-All my savings are gone. Got a tuition payment due next week and have no way of paying it
-Stuck in a CC. Don't know if I'll ever be able to transfer to a university. At this point, I'm ready to say #%%! school.
-had a girl over summer. Thought we were going to be together for a while. She broke up with me last Tuesday (my birthday). That was cold

I'd have to say I've had a rough 2010 so far. #$#$ sucks. Life sucks. I just can't win it seems
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

When my dad dropped like 500 on the CDP 11/12 CDP pack. Just when someone works that hard for you it's just damn.
Illegal immigrants work hard for their bread too, you know.
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