NT, Why Are You At Home Tonight?

May 4, 2008
My allergies have me sounding like Doc Rivers with emphysema right now, so I cannot actually talk until Monday morning. SMH. That and it's the last monthof the semester so it's time to go hard. All the local Texas people are talking about the Relays in Austin next weekend (the TX equivalent of Black BikerWeek in SC?
) and I'm only thinking about school and work. Thank Godfor Twitter.
Rugby Tournament tomorrow. Gotta meet at the field at 7.

Three games. Back to back. And both age groups are sharing the jerseys.

I hope we play first.
I've become too lazy to call anyone on the weekend, these days. Perhaps it's my age showing.

The only time I go out is if someone calls me with suggested plans...
I just got in, went out for dinner for a friends birthday. Nothing special.
Been out since 8:00 AM and my tummy is messed up something crazy.
Probably going to the doctor if it doesn't subside soon.
I actually just got back from watching fast & furious with my girl needless to say it didnt end well
stupid arguments FTL
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