NT's Official Sex Education Thread vol. Let's keep this mature and informative

anyone had experience with getting BC pills at planned parenthood? can you tell me how the process goes, please? :nerd:

you might find more help on femalesneakerfiend sweetie :lol:

i've never been but i'd imagine you make an appointment...

i dont know if all their services are free check your area for other clinics if its not...i had a friend that went to a community clinic that just took donations...whatever you could afford

if you're in college your student health center might be able to give you a perscription
why would fapping be an issue?  what condoms do you guys recommend? i tried a few and they all suck
how effective is birth control pill? anyone had it fail on them without the girl missing any pills?
serious questions.

I cant get hard with any condom. 
same here, I have five minutes tops before going full turtle. 

I read somewhere here on NT about dropping a very small amount of lube inside the condom before putting it on, apparently it feels like nothing is on you. haven't tried it though.

my girl takes bc religiously, no mishap yet. been going raw for about a year, come in the box and everything. knock on wood. 
serious questions.

I cant get hard with any condom. 
same here, I have five minutes tops before going full turtle. 

I read somewhere here on NT about dropping a very small amount of lube inside the condom before putting it on, apparently it feels like nothing is on you. haven't tried it though.

Be safe Ox
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Is there a female equivalent to giving a girl a facial? Like is there something that gets them off as much as giving them a facial gets us off? Always been curious about that
Thinking of buying lamb skin condoms. I don't have allergy or anything but even Trojan sensitive condoms are not sensitive enough for me. Anyone have any experience.
Thinking of buying lamb skin condoms. I don't have allergy or anything but even Trojan sensitive condoms are not sensitive enough for me. Anyone have any experience.
I haven't had any experience with them, but they don't protect against STD's. From my POV, if you go this route, it should be with a long term partner.
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